Saturday, May 25, 2013

25. never forgotten.

Like I said in my earlier post.
I take what people say about me very seriously.
That's what contributes to my short-temperness.
You might take it as a joke,
but I MIGHT (and probably will) take it seriously.
Well, not THAT serious,
since I know you ARE just making a joke.
But I remember.
Quite well too.
Good things and bad things.
I'll share one good and one bad.
Fair enough ?

Bad one first.
This was wayyy back in Primary 5/6.
Abby told me.
(Dear Abby, I hope you were telling the truth.)
It was somewhere along the lines of
her teacher considering whether she should teach me.
Or something like that.
At that point, I was pretty flattered.
Since I just got kicked out of the ummm...
how do you call it in English ?
Elite class ?
whatever, you get the idea.

"But then when she ask your previous teachers.
They said I was (in a way) hopeless (or was it just lazy ?)
and she would just be wasting her time."
Soooo... no.
I never spoke to that teacher.
I do admit, I was lazy.
And I probably still am.
But that moment was just pure heartbreaking.
So I cried and cried and cried.
Lol. No Abby.
Not in front of you.
After I left your place.
The revelation did not affect my life in any way.
But that memory would always be echoing at the back of my head.
It was a pure critique (that's what I call it).
My very first critique.
It was not suppose to reach my ears.
And that's why it was so "valuable" to me.
It's what people (my ex-teachers) truly thought of me,
without putting my feelings into consideration.
After all, I was never suppose to hear about this.
Of course, I still question the validity of what Abby told me.
Abby, were you just lying ?
Because I took it quite seriously.
Not that I'm doubting you or anything.
But how did you know about it ?
Did she tell the whole class ?
Because I'm getting the kind of vibe that she did.

Ok enough negatives.
Let's talk about the positives for now.
I've been trying to turn my life around since I started studying here.
When I said turning it around.
I mean literally.
I have no social life no more.
But most importantly,
I actually TRY to study and do my homework.
I also have this cute (ECO-FRIENDLY) notebook that says
"Turn Over A New Leaf".
Just one of the MANY MANY MANY reminders I gave myself to
actually get up and do something meaningful with my life.
I uploaded a picture of it before on this blog.
But I'm too lazy to track it down.
I've been doing good so far.
With the occasional hum-bragging.
It's awesome because everyone here can't tell.
My grades are (were ?) pretty good at the moment.
Last term I mean.

And my English teacher told me,
"Well, you can tell your parents I am very proud to have you as my student."
Crowning Moment of Awesome !
She proceeded to explain about how students with the top score in the subject
would be given a special award at the end of the year or something like that.
The best part was,
she was explaining it to me in such a way that I will actually be the one who goes on stage.
That moment really went to my head.
I got dizzy.
I think that's really good motivation.
And there's only around 20-30 people standing in my way.
That's quite a lot.
Can't let my guard down now, can I ?
Of course not !
Come on TK !
FIGHTING !!! (I don't know why people keep saying this...)

Listening to The Yaschas Massif - Final Fantasy XIII OST

36 hours a Day.


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