Saturday, May 25, 2013

24. baddddddd

I love talking about my flaws.
It makes me look ever so humble =3
And the best part is,
I have lots of flaws.
So I'll never run out...
But I'll only need 3 today.
So three will do.
(This is not done in chronological order)

#1 would be my short temper-ness.
Its what I hate the most.
I'm like super sensitive.
And most of the time,
I'm aware of it.
I get moody really easily,
but I know I'm overreacting
so I force myself to cool down.
And that's the only reason why I'm not a walking stick with PMS.
Sometimes I just lose it,
especially if they're my parents.
Boo hoo hoo, bad son mentality coming back.
And my parents noticed this bad trait of mine too.
Mom even bought a book of stories of short tempered characters for me.
I never read it.
Too stubborn.
Its in my blood.
And now I'm making excuses again.

#2 is un-independency.
Yes, I am not independent.
I want to, I really do.
But I'm just too lazy.
And back to #1,
I am too stubborn to take a little training and advice
without reaching max. capacity and blowing up.
I really hate this part of me.
Well, I hate all parts.
But this is the more annoying part.
I'm sure if I'm thrown into the wilderness and left to fend for myself,
I would learn how to take care of myself.
But Mom and Dad don't trust me enough
to let me do things on my own.
Not that I'm blaming them or anything.
Just the guilt.
Not to mention I'm pretty useless in most situations.
I'm like a Psyduck.

And finally, #3 : Procrastinator.
This is something I'm sure everyone can relate to.
We all procrastinate about one thing or another.
For those who know me,
you'd know how much I LOVE procrastinating.
My homework load suffers a lot because of this.
Sometimes I find something productive to do instead of homework.
I call this "productive procrastination".
The fact that I'm doing something else that is ALSO productive
makes me less guilty about procrastinating my work,
whatever it might be.
Setting limitations and restrictions around my life seems to be working quite well for now.
I can keep this procrastinating nature of mine in check.
But for how long ?

Think about it =D

Listening to The Way of Memories - Shihoko Hirata



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