Thursday, May 30, 2013

30. letting go

What is my reaction towards the term : Letting Go ?

Yes, the first thing that comes to mind is a song.
(LOL I know I'm weird)
Probably because I haven't gave the idea of letting go much thought.
I know its hard to let someone go.
Especially when you still wanna be with them.
Or if you've been too shy to tell them something.
You get that really unsatisfied feeling.
And a slight touch of regret looming at the back of your head.

"Well you only need the light when its burning low."

Listening to Let Her Go - Passenger

Racing against time.
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Wednesday, May 29, 2013

29. muzic that .xcites

How was my last post ?
The challenge was to use ONLY pictures.
But I can't resist not adding words.
So what do you get ?
Images with quotes in them...
I'm definitely twisting this challenge.
Today's challenge is to share 5 songs that speak to me
or brings back memories.
This should be interesting.
And when I said 'interesting',
I mean
people who already know me should know what song I'd choose.

Number One :

Enchanted - Taylor Swift
Heard this song a hundred of times. Its in my iPod, my old car, my laptop. EVERYWHERE.
I even have the Owl City version.
But when I actually stopped and listened to the lyrics.
I think it makes a lot of sense.
I mean we all feel the same towards the people who like/love.
You like him/her but you're just too shy to confess.
And many more lovey-dovey stuff.
And with the perfect voice to suit the lyrics.

Number Two :

Homeward Bound/Home - Glee Cast
Nothing kicks you more in the guts than listening to this song 
on your phone in the school library on the first day of school 
because you haven't talked to anyone and you have no friends.
All you could do is sit down in a silent corner,
do your "homework" and cry silently 
while thinking of home because of this song.
The sentimental variant of Home was definitely tear-jerking

Number Three :

Sunshine and City Lights - Greyson Chance
I don't really listen to this song anymore.
But it still brings back fond (or terrible) memories when I hear it play,
depends on how you look at it.
I first heard it play on the radio on
Don't know the name of the song nor the artist.
And then I found out a few days later.
It was a mediocre song to me.
But it was during one of my famous full-day visits to the State Library 
that I suddenly had "cravings" for this song.
It felt as if I needed the song to actually get myself studying.
Ended up walking around the library,
asking every KKHS student I know if they had the song in their phone.
To no avail, of course.
I don't usually do this.
Well, I don't anyone does.
Getting music-cravings and asking random people for it.
I look back,
I laugh.

Number Four :

From the Inside Out - Hillsong
A Christian song.
Yea, its true.
These songs bring back precious memories too.
I heard this song in my first "religion" modules in PLKN.
Or was it the second ?
It doesn't really matter.
They were both on the first week of camp.
I was pretty pessimistic about it.
Making friends and socialising, I mean.
So yeah I was pretty down/ emo.
But I wasn't that obvious, obviously.
So, before our module class ended for the night.
The priest/pastor/whatever-you-call-him 
suggested we sing ONE last sing before we leave.
And it was like "Taylor Swift magic".
I know how to sing it.
Wow I surprised myself.
And singing really helped liberate all my inner stress at that time.
Where else was I suppose to sing like Beyonce ?
In the showers ?
(They'd knock down your shower door for that)
Eyes got teary.
Don't know why.
I don't know whether I'm making sense.
But it doesn't matter.
I feel it.

Number Five :

Gangnam Style - PSY
A crowd pleaser !
Me ? Not so much.
But I do admit its great workout music.
That is, 
IF you know the correct dance moves.
Form 6 has unquestionably pushed students beyond their boundaries.
Although my stay was short,
this song symbolises the broadening of MY horizons.
Its one of those YOLO moments in my life.
I look back and I go 
"Ohhh...WHY did I ever do that stupid dance in front of everyone."
but then I'd go
"It WAS a once in a lifetime opportunity. So I guess its alright."
Since its already over,
I can safely say that I have NO regrets 
in doing anything regarding this song.
Prom didn't go so well,
but the process was priceless.
Once again,
I'd like to make a special shout-out to all the people
who pitched in to help make this dance a success.

Listening to ALL OF THE ABOVE

Need to get back into shape. BADLY.

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Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Monday, May 27, 2013

27. letter for you.

Dear Readers,
I wish to dedicate this blog post.
Blog post #27 of OVA 1.
To you.
Because it is your repeated visits
to this tiny, humble little blog
that kept is going for years and years.
I know this blog doesn't have a lot to offer.
I don't have a lot to offer.
But still.
Thank You.
Because I'm glad you came.
(get the pun ?)
If not, kill yourself.

And if you thought I wouldn't notice.
I did.
I noticed.
More than 60% of my readers are from the US.
People who just so happened to stumble on my blog ?
But know this.
YOU are now a stalker.
And you would think the rest comes from Malaysia.
But no.
#2 comes from Australia.
With around 5-10% revenue from Malaysia.
That's something I don't see everyday.
Well, actually it is.
Maybe my blogger's counter is broken.
But the ranking has always been that way.

Rest assured,
your identities are kept safe and sound.
I hope you continue supporting stalking this blog.
If that is what you want.
I am more than happy to give up personal information
for the entertainment of digital strangers that I don't even know about.
I feel pretty full of myself right now.
Once again,
Thank You.
Your views are highly appreciated here.

Listening to I Will Wait - Mumford and Sons

Still not in Hyperdrive yet.
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Sunday, May 26, 2013

26. discuss please.

Quick quick.
A link.
A link to something good.

How about this ?
It's about Nikola Tesla.
A scientist/inventor.
Most of you who take Physics (such as I)
would know Tesla is the ummm, unit ?
for the magnetic flux density.
Wait, I did get that correct, right ?
Gosh, my Physics is still s*cky...

If you had actually taken the liberty to click on the link.
And read the huge comic panel that appeared.
You would know what I am about to say.

Was Thomas Edison really that bad ?
I really don't know who to trust.
The Internet can be such a deceitful place.
Also, poor Tesla.
Ohhh. That celibacy part really got to me...
Did Tesla really invent all those inventions ?
I find that a little hard to believe.
I mean, of course he didn't INVENT the complete product.
But he laid the foundation for all those inventions.

And how can he live in crackers and milk !?
Hmmm...maybe I should try that sometimes too.
Well, at least it isn't water...
The part where he falls in love with a laser pigeon was funny too.
I really cracked when I read that.
Well, I think Tesla is a really humble and nice man.
Too bad he was psycho.
With the best of intentions, of course.

Overall, I think this was a very interesting read.
A friend of mine was the one who shared it on Facebook.
I thought it was those short comic strips that we'd find.
But no.
This was a very VERY long one.
And it was education and not perverted in the slightest sense.
I am still doubting the validity of it.
But I think it was definitely worth my time.
At least I have a reason to hate Edison now.
Not only is he too mainstream,
he's also a *****.
Cheers !

Exam Preparation Week BEGIN !
Hopefully I can finish the last 5 posts to this Season in time.

Listening to Home - John Meyer Cover (Philip Phillips)

Procrastinating at its best.
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Saturday, May 25, 2013

25. never forgotten.

Like I said in my earlier post.
I take what people say about me very seriously.
That's what contributes to my short-temperness.
You might take it as a joke,
but I MIGHT (and probably will) take it seriously.
Well, not THAT serious,
since I know you ARE just making a joke.
But I remember.
Quite well too.
Good things and bad things.
I'll share one good and one bad.
Fair enough ?

Bad one first.
This was wayyy back in Primary 5/6.
Abby told me.
(Dear Abby, I hope you were telling the truth.)
It was somewhere along the lines of
her teacher considering whether she should teach me.
Or something like that.
At that point, I was pretty flattered.
Since I just got kicked out of the ummm...
how do you call it in English ?
Elite class ?
whatever, you get the idea.

"But then when she ask your previous teachers.
They said I was (in a way) hopeless (or was it just lazy ?)
and she would just be wasting her time."
Soooo... no.
I never spoke to that teacher.
I do admit, I was lazy.
And I probably still am.
But that moment was just pure heartbreaking.
So I cried and cried and cried.
Lol. No Abby.
Not in front of you.
After I left your place.
The revelation did not affect my life in any way.
But that memory would always be echoing at the back of my head.
It was a pure critique (that's what I call it).
My very first critique.
It was not suppose to reach my ears.
And that's why it was so "valuable" to me.
It's what people (my ex-teachers) truly thought of me,
without putting my feelings into consideration.
After all, I was never suppose to hear about this.
Of course, I still question the validity of what Abby told me.
Abby, were you just lying ?
Because I took it quite seriously.
Not that I'm doubting you or anything.
But how did you know about it ?
Did she tell the whole class ?
Because I'm getting the kind of vibe that she did.

Ok enough negatives.
Let's talk about the positives for now.
I've been trying to turn my life around since I started studying here.
When I said turning it around.
I mean literally.
I have no social life no more.
But most importantly,
I actually TRY to study and do my homework.
I also have this cute (ECO-FRIENDLY) notebook that says
"Turn Over A New Leaf".
Just one of the MANY MANY MANY reminders I gave myself to
actually get up and do something meaningful with my life.
I uploaded a picture of it before on this blog.
But I'm too lazy to track it down.
I've been doing good so far.
With the occasional hum-bragging.
It's awesome because everyone here can't tell.
My grades are (were ?) pretty good at the moment.
Last term I mean.

And my English teacher told me,
"Well, you can tell your parents I am very proud to have you as my student."
Crowning Moment of Awesome !
She proceeded to explain about how students with the top score in the subject
would be given a special award at the end of the year or something like that.
The best part was,
she was explaining it to me in such a way that I will actually be the one who goes on stage.
That moment really went to my head.
I got dizzy.
I think that's really good motivation.
And there's only around 20-30 people standing in my way.
That's quite a lot.
Can't let my guard down now, can I ?
Of course not !
Come on TK !
FIGHTING !!! (I don't know why people keep saying this...)

Listening to The Yaschas Massif - Final Fantasy XIII OST

36 hours a Day.
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24. baddddddd

I love talking about my flaws.
It makes me look ever so humble =3
And the best part is,
I have lots of flaws.
So I'll never run out...
But I'll only need 3 today.
So three will do.
(This is not done in chronological order)

#1 would be my short temper-ness.
Its what I hate the most.
I'm like super sensitive.
And most of the time,
I'm aware of it.
I get moody really easily,
but I know I'm overreacting
so I force myself to cool down.
And that's the only reason why I'm not a walking stick with PMS.
Sometimes I just lose it,
especially if they're my parents.
Boo hoo hoo, bad son mentality coming back.
And my parents noticed this bad trait of mine too.
Mom even bought a book of stories of short tempered characters for me.
I never read it.
Too stubborn.
Its in my blood.
And now I'm making excuses again.

#2 is un-independency.
Yes, I am not independent.
I want to, I really do.
But I'm just too lazy.
And back to #1,
I am too stubborn to take a little training and advice
without reaching max. capacity and blowing up.
I really hate this part of me.
Well, I hate all parts.
But this is the more annoying part.
I'm sure if I'm thrown into the wilderness and left to fend for myself,
I would learn how to take care of myself.
But Mom and Dad don't trust me enough
to let me do things on my own.
Not that I'm blaming them or anything.
Just the guilt.
Not to mention I'm pretty useless in most situations.
I'm like a Psyduck.

And finally, #3 : Procrastinator.
This is something I'm sure everyone can relate to.
We all procrastinate about one thing or another.
For those who know me,
you'd know how much I LOVE procrastinating.
My homework load suffers a lot because of this.
Sometimes I find something productive to do instead of homework.
I call this "productive procrastination".
The fact that I'm doing something else that is ALSO productive
makes me less guilty about procrastinating my work,
whatever it might be.
Setting limitations and restrictions around my life seems to be working quite well for now.
I can keep this procrastinating nature of mine in check.
But for how long ?

Think about it =D

Listening to The Way of Memories - Shihoko Hirata

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Thursday, May 23, 2013

23. what they didnt' tech u

Let's do it in point form !
Stuff they don't "teach" you in school.
*this is 100% based on my own experience*
Hopefully I'm not writing **** again.
Oh wait I am.
Enjoy !

  1. How to tie your shoelaces.
  2. Voting procedures.
  3. Effective ways to study.
  4. How corrupt Malaysia really is.
  5. How to speak louder.
  6. How to deal with face problems.
  7. How to make an appointment with the counselor.
  8. How to deal with a break up
  9. How to break up
  10. Sex Ed.
  11. Which came first ? The egg or the chicken.
  12. How to actually write a proper Science PEKA
  13. Preparing for the worse case scenario
  14. How to prepare for the worse case scenario
  15. Dealing with the worse case scenario
  16. How to visualize the worse case scenario
  17. What a 'worse case scenario' is
  18. How to read Dewey coding
  19. How to use a projector
  20. How to get taller
  21. How to get into universities.
  22. Puberty
  23. MOAR SEX ED 
  24. What to do if you can't get into universities.
  25. (When you're in Form 1) What is PMR.
  26. (When you're in Form 4) When is SPM.
  27. (When you're in Form 6) Why is STPM so friggin' hard.
  28. Basketball
  29. Baseball
  30. Football
  31. Generally, our Phys Ed teachers are lazy
  32. How to make friends
  33. Where the toilets are
  34. Where the teacher's seat is 
  35. How to use a screen switch
  36. (For boys) How to cook
  37. (For girls) How to play with electrical appliances
  38. How to act (Drama)
  39. Psychology
  40. How to march (maybe we were doing it wrong ?)
  41. What your house colour actually means. (Green for Eco-friendly, right ?)
  42. Is coffee good or bad for you.
  43. How to clean up someone's technicolor yawn.
  44. Why BN cheated during the elections
  45. Badminton
  46. Pros and Cons of Briefs and Boxers
  47. Who Anwar is.
  48. How to clear browser history.
  49. How to drive.
  50. The benefits of reading TK's blog !
  51. did i mention sex ed ?

Listening to Kamikaze - Owl City

Prepping for exam rush.
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Wednesday, May 22, 2013

22. soapboaxes : house rules ~

What's a soapbox ?
According to my Mac dictionary,
it's a box or crate used as a makeshift stand by a public speaker.
Still doesn't make any sense.
Definition #2.
A thing that provides an opportunity for someone to air their views publicly.
Ok that makes more sense.

Let's talk House RUles.
Its the brand new renovation reality show.
From the creators of My Kitchen Rules.

Its real simple.
A team of two would represent each state.
They would then take turns to travel across Australia
to every team's house and renovate it.
But, here's the catch.
The house owners (one of the teams)
would be sent away on a holiday for a week.
They cannot take part in the renovation.
All they CAN do is leave 5 house rules
for the other teams to use as a guideline.
And after a week,
the house owners come back and judge their new home.
The teams stack up their score
and by the end of the competition,
the team with the highest score will be the winner of House Rules.
The prize would be to have their ENTIRE mortgage paid off for good.
And don't forget,
even those who didn't win
got a sweet renovation to their crappy houses.
And trust me, their houses are REALLY ******.

If you consider MKR as a spin-off of Masterchef.
Then House RUles is the spin-off of The Block.

Now, what is The Block, you say ?
Its ANOTHER renovation reality show.
Basically, the channel that I watch really enjoys
ripping ideas off other channels.
The Block is the oldest ongoing renovation show in mainstream Oz TV.
Another channel attempted to launch their own spin-off last year,
called the Renovators.
But it failed epically.
And so is House Rules.

Apparently, no one is willing to give House Rules a chance.
It debuted on its premier night with only 800k viewers,
700k on the next and 600k on the third.
The Block gets more than a million every night.
House Rules had even less viewers than failed reality show,
The Renovators.

I think people are just pissed and unwilling to give House Rules a chance.
After all,
it was made by the same people who made MKR and turned it into a cashcow.
And EVERYONE hated that.
Also they let self-obnoxious, mean Asian girls on the show.
And they milked the show by doing everything in their power
to keep contestants in the competition.
Seriously, the only way to lose is to use instant curry powder.
I really feel that this MKR-is-scripted shinanegans has really affected
House Rules' performance.
People just don't want another "renovation" show based on more drama and tears
than actual renovating.

Their argument is, however, invalid.
House Rules is a very different show.
Sure they use the same basic template for both shows.
And they both have "Rules" in their names.
But thats almost everything to it.
The elements that they use in House Rules is very different compared to MKR's.
Its something fresh.
And it isn't look like its scripted.
Or is it ?

Every show has its ups and downs and I think this show incorporates
some really fresh idea into this whole "renovation" reality show business.
I mean the only new thing The Block had for their new season
was to change from renovating boring old houses to renovating boring old hotels.
Gee. I'm so impressed...
And being a more dramatic-type,
House Rules does a great job capturing funny moments,
and using the appropriate music to make it even funnier.
That applies to the melodrama is awesome too.

Girl :"I'm gonna use this timber for the laundry room."
Timber Guy :"Sorry mate, you can't use wood for a wet area of the house. It'll swell."
Girl : *cries*

Ahhh....I love those moments.
All in all, I really think Australians should give this show a chance.
That is what it needs.
A Chance.
Thank You for listening.

Listening to Life In Color (Cover) - Justin Breit & Alec Favale

Exams Exams,
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Tuesday, May 21, 2013

21. bookmarked. memories

This looks like an interesting topic.
Share some of my favourite previous blog posts.
Finally something that managed to grab my attention.
Its quite thought provoking too.
Were there any favourites ?

Since I'm short on time,
I'll only be choosing one from every Season.
One favourite from every season.
I'm sure I could find some.

Ok you know what ?
Fudge what I just said.
The earlier posts were too cringe-worthy
for me to share.
Oh, those technicolored blocks of texts.
Let's see...
*continues looking*

Ok, I think that is all.
I will do my best to be a better blogger.
The end result of my search was not quite as satisfying 
as I would've thought.
I am determined to be a better blogger.
When I have the time, hehe.

Listening to I'm Coming After You - Owl City


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Monday, May 20, 2013

20. because i want to.

Not being grateful.
That's one of my problems.
One of my biggest problems.
Second to insanely short temper.

Somehow, blogging about my short temper-ness
doesn't sound all that appropriate.
I might start throwing virtual furniture around.
But yeah.
I'm such a spoiled brat.
Well, at least it got better.....A LITTLE.
Look at me now.
I have the luxury to be able to have a father when I'm studying overseas.
Mainly because they don't trust me to do things myself,
but that's beside the point.
Mom comes for visits......VERY OFTEN.
All that hard earned cash just going down Air Asia's bank.
And all that potential cash and salary Dad could've gotten, wasted.

And what am I doing ?
I know Dad isn't the best Dad in the world.
Wait, no, that didn't come out right.
I know Dad and I don't exactly get along very well.
But he gave up so much for me.
And I'm here.
and still getting into fights with him.
Well, not fights.
More like, not seeing eye to eye.
And I practice my "superiority" by using English.
Not intentionally of course,
but I can't express myself fully in Chinese anymore.

And in Mom's earlier visits,
we'd get into fight ALL.THE.TIME.
Usually about my attitude etc.
I feel like a child, really.
Because in her eyes,
I probably am.

Yep, definitely feeling that "failure of a son" vibe coming.
They're probably right.
I need an attitude change.
I'm not, in any way, proud of my attitude and
how I treat my parents.
I think they really deserve more.

When I was still in Primary School,
Mom would get mad at me sometimes if I didn't finish my homework.
And she'd tell if she took the wrong baby home.
As I got older,
I do start to wonder.
Self-realization hurts less when you're already expecting it.
My parents deserve a much better son.
What did they do to deserve me ?
Oh yeah, get married.

I'm trying to be a good son.
But my mistakes just seem to keep crawling back.
I'm never gonna gain their trust.
Not anytime soon anyway.
I'm gonna be a burden to them.
And what if I can't give them the happy retirement they wanted ?
What then ?
They've proved their point.
I can't handle myself.
I can't be independent.
And they would never be in peace.
I won't ever be in peace.
Is that how this 'dysfunctional' family will end ?
Oh yeah,
and my brother becomes the CEO of major mining company.
at least they still have little brother.
He seems to have more potential in him.

Am i really that pessimistic ?
Probably not.
There's too many optimistic songs out there to keep me down.
But what I shared does have some truth in it.

Listening to Gold - Owl City

Back to studying, looking optimistic ?
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Sunday, May 19, 2013

19. TK's Top 5.

Please don't judge.
Fine, judge me if you want to.
5 blogs.
5 TOP blogs.
I must choose.
I'm speaking like Yoda.
Like Yoda I am speaking like.
Ok enough cr*p.

The 5 blogs are : *drumroll please*
  • Audrey's blog.
  • Ananda's blog.
  • Abby's blog.
  • *classified blog*
  • Lolo's blog. (which I haven't linked up yet)
Notable mentions to : *not-so-awesome drumroll please*
  • Brian's blog.
  • Marie's blog.
  • 'Dith's blog.

There !
I said it.
Please do not kidnap me.
Kill me.
Skewer me.
And tribute me to whatever higher being you believe in.

Now please keep in mind,
I might not have chose your blog because
you've been inactive as a blogger for too long.
There's simply just no new content for me to read.
So, to those who didn't make the list, 
I'm sorry.

Now let's see.
Notable mentions. 
Brian's blog.
Well, it would've been on Top 5.
But half of your blogging is written in Chinese,
a.k.a I'm too dump to read it.
Yes, I know this is my disability 
but it's also MY LIST.
Dear 'Dith,
not enough updates.
Dear Marie, 
well, it's hard to understand you're current happenings.
Y'know, since we're not on the same page anymore.

Audrey's blog.
Well, it's always nice to read your best friend's blog.
Plus, my name is in almost every post XD
Same goes for Abby and Lolo.
Now Ananda's blog.
It's more of a studying blog.
As in, it's all about uni life.
And though it's hardly updated.
It's a real motivation booster for me.
I mean I'm the kinda person who LOVES seeing other people study,
but I'm too lazy to do it myself.
So, this blog gives me the
"if he can do it, so can I" motivation I need.
Kudos for that !
*classified blog* is classified.
It does not exist within this blogosphere. 
I have my reasons.

Generally, I love all blogs.
It's just the lack of content and updates that drives me insane.
I AM a stalker, after all.
It makes you feel like you're in their shoes.
You get to see what their life is like.
This is probably why I'm also addicted to
"A Day In The Life" videos.
Particularly those of students in uni.
Which I use for my own motivation and study drive.
I just hope it's enough to get me through high school.

And of course,
I didn't forget about you guys.
Or, some of you guys.
The best of luck I wish you for your STPM.
I know how all of you feel,
probably 'cuz I've been through the same **** you guys went through.
Ok, maybe the first semester wasn't as bad as this.
But still.
Hey, at least I'm on your side, right ?

Listening to Sail Into The Sun - Gentleman Hall

Career Expo is for careers,
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Saturday, May 18, 2013

18. dig deep

"Don't listen to a word I say.
The screams all sound the same.
Though the truth may vary this
ship will carry our bodies safe to shore."

Ignore that.
Just some cravings to share random lyrics with you guys.
Also, I forgot to congratulate myself on my 222th post !
I am eager to type my 333th post in the near future.
But first, I must do post #223.

Now I'm sorry to burst your bubble.
But I just CAN'T blog about today's title.

"Tell a story from your childhood.
Dig deep and try to be descriptive about what you remember and how you felt."

Well, I did dig.
I dug.
Too deep.
It's the kinda stuff that I never wanna think about again.
Not because it's scary.
I just hate myself for being like that.

*We are currently experiencing technical difficulties.

"Tell a story from your childhood."

Ok this sounds easier.
Well, at least I'm gonna tell you guys a story.
Ain't that exciting ?

Now for all of you that went to my house before,
you'd know that I live at the top of a small hill.
When I was around 10,
I used to like cycling down the hill and
pushing myself back up.
And going down again....
In front of my house,
is a steeper cemented slope.
Riding up the hill on my bike was hard enough.
That extra slope was not what I needed.

It was nice to see some progress going with my stamina.
Little by little I could go from the bottom of the hill
to the top.
But I still couldn't get up my house slope alone.
I needed to use the extra acceleration I get from riding up the hill.
If I was lucky....
Sadly, there was one time I wasn't so lucky.
I couldn't get to the top of the slope.
It was steep.
My legs were too short to touch the ground.
It was like xtreme suspension.
So I'm stuck there.
What else could I do ?
Call the little brother who was 10 steps away from me for help ?
Good idea !
Little brother gives mischievous smile.
Uh oh.
Little brother pushes my bike.
I fall down the slope.
Wounded knee.
Little brother left.
I called out for help.
Lol, Mom was also outside but out of range.
"mom. mom. mom. MOM. MOM. mom."
Nothing happened.
I got up and walked to Mom.
She freaked out.
First time first aid FTW.
Little brother got slaughtered.
Mission accomplished ?

Now let's go back in time.
Around 1 year to be exact.
For those of you who KNEW me.
I went to a primary school near my house.
And so my maid would pick me up after school everyday.
She's carry my bag as we walk home together.
Once again,
if you've been to my house,
you'd know I have a remote controlled gate.
So we were walking up the hill.
Walking, walking walking, walking, talking.
Until we reach the house.
Maid takes out remote and opens gate.
Just a small one though,
since we're the only ones passing through.
I went first.
Little brother appears.
Little brother wanted to trap maid outside.
Little brother has extra remote.
Little brother press black button on extra remote.
I'm still moving through the gate.
Oh, the terror.
Worse part ?
Everyone was staring.
No one decided to press the button on their remotes.
Even worse part ?
The new maid candidate was also staring.
I was screaming non-stop.
Mom came out.
Gate stopped.
I come through like a traumatised rape victim.
Do you have any idea how it feels to be pushed by a gate ?
Well, it doesn't hurt that much.
Y'know, with all the screaming and freaking out happening all at once.
Mom runs towards me.
Mom turns around.
Mom slaughters little brother.
Mission accomplished ?

I still remember those days vividly.
Maybe that's why I started treating little brother
as my maid...
And Mom said I used to love him....
when he was 1.
I wonder what happened ?

So, have I digged deep enough yet ?

Listening to Dementia - Owl City feat. Mark Hoppus

Feeling good about myself,

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Friday, May 17, 2013

17. selfies

Do you know what selfies are ?
That's what they call "ss" over here.
Get it ?
I'll stop being lame now.

Whaddayathink about this picture of me
trying to hide my panicked look
while having my picture unknowingly taken ?

I think this selfie is my favourite one.
Because it's actually a good camera.
I'm actually wearing something barely decent.
And the lighting is just perfect.
Pay no attention to the dummy in glasses.

I do apologize if there wasn't a wider array of selfies to choose from.
Or if I look extremely hideous.
But I'm not the kind of person to take pictures of himself,
much less smile in a picture.

When I read the topic for today, I went
"Where am I suppose to find pictures of myself ?"
And then I thought
"Profile pictures !"
I think that's kinda pathetic.
To not have your very own folder named "SS photos"
in my phone or laptop.
Do you have one ?
I sure bet you do.
Or at least more choices than me.

And now I'm browsing through my tagged photos on Facebook.
Yes, my face is in most of them.
But I look terrible.
I was doing goofy expressions
in almost every single photo.
That ruined it for me.
I guess this kinda proves that I'm anti-photogenic.
In other words, photoyucky.
Lol, I can't believe I actually Google-d that.
I guess that's why I like that picture the best.
I was in my natural state.
I didn't know they were taking my picture.
And I had much bigger problems to worry about.
Making a fool out of myself in front of a whole auditorium of kids and parents.

Have you got a photo of me that you like ?
Do share ~
I am eager to find out how selfie blind I am.

Thoughts about a new selfie soon ?
Well, I don't think so.
No one wants to take my picture here T___T
And I am NOT gonna take my phone and
point it directly at my face in public.
No, I won't do it private too.
The background is bound to ****.
Either that or the terrible lighting in my room.
No, I am not gonna do it in my toilet.
And the pimples have not been kind to me either.
I am doing this egg white + lemon facial....
once every 3 months.
It's not that I want flawless skin or anything.
I just want my stupid pimple scars to disappear.
Make space for new, FRESHER pimples.

And the worse part is,
midsems are coming.
That means a new wave of zombies  pimples
is coming in.
And I've been having this dry throat thing
at the back of my throat lately.
It doesn't seem to be going away.
It doesn't feel like sore throat.
The irritation isn't that strong.
But you can still feel it there.
I Google-d abit.
Perhaps it's the dry weather lately.
Could it ?
Any potential doctors wanna help me ?
I know so many people who claim
they wanna be doctors and dentists.
Unfortunately, everyone is still studying.
I salute thee !

Oh yeah !
Great news !
I didn'ty fall asleep during today's Physics class.
Major accomplishment.
I feel like celebrating ^_^
I guess the key to solving a problem
really is to acknowledge it first.
Now all I have to do is keep this up for the rest of the year.

Listening to The Last Time - Taylor Swift

Allergic to cameras.
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Thursday, May 16, 2013

15. a day in the life of a true tk

Wake up !
Alarm clock's been ringing since 6.30 but I'm just too lazy these days.
Gotta stop being such a lazy bum.

A quick shower for the morning.
It's a new habit I've been trying to build up.
No folks,
no pictures of me showering.

Dad actually got up and made me breakfast !
Spaghetti in weird tomato sauce, strip of bacon, egg and toast.
The sauce really tasted weird.
Multi-task during breakfast.

Chasing after the bus.
Barely made it !

But I missed my 404 bus...
Waits at the bus station for next bus with Kyle.

I don't really prefer this bus route.
Too mainstream.
The 404 bus drops me off quietly at the back of the school.

Waiting for Maths class with Nhoon.
She's reading this weird book which she finds interesting.

Math class in progress.
We're on Project Networks.
Which is completely new for me.
But it's still easy...
Y'know, if you've done it.

More Maths with Nhoon at the cafeteria
while everyone's busy in class.

Early lunch.
I really gave myself a treat today.
Black pepper beef with mixed veges and fried rice.
Yup, I'm broke now.

Nhoon's awesome prawn lunch.
Which her dad cooks.
It looks yummy.
Her dad cooks quite well (by the looks of it).
He even made effing RENDANG.

I actually forgot to take pictures for my Chem prac !
Because I was like the slowest group in class.
Peer pressure getting to me.
So I give you this picture of me drawing my graph.

This is not what I expected...
You owe me 5 bucks if you giggled or even laughed.
Gonna try Google-ing the answers.

Chem substitute teacher a.k.a my Physics teacher, Eric.
He's demonstrating the effect of catalyst on hydrogen peroxide.
I always fall asleep during his Physics lectures.
FYI, I'm on the front row.
I don't know what's wrong with me.
I am TRULY sorry.
But I can't help myself.
Look at the smoke in the beaker.
Hopefully this can cover for the experiment that I missed.

Went to the library to Google for the graph shape.
Problems with the school's Internet.
I swear I have nothing to do with this.
ALMOST everyone's accounts are frozen like this.
Oh well, no answers I guess.

Back to studying in a small little carrel.
Doing some past Maths papers generously donated to my class
by our Maths teacher.
This is like the first time he's done something beneficial to us.
Not that I'm being ungrateful or anything.
But that's what my class thinks.
I'm fine with anything.

Time to take a look at today's paper.
Oh look, an article about Taylor Swift.
Yea, I think she's awesome and better than Kanye too.
I also read other not-so-interesting stuff.
i hate politics

Random photo from the first floor of the school at night.
On my way to locker.

A typical school hallway.
This is the Accounting/Psychology corner of the school.

Enjoying some music on my iPod on my way home.
Have to make it back in time for last batch of busses.
Thank goodness this week's bus driver 
drives like a maniac.
He's an old man.

Home Sweet Home ~
No, I don't live in a Fire Booster Cabinet.
It's the building behind the cabinet.
Guess which is my unit ?

Weird but yummy dinner.
Nothing much to say about it.
Not fancy but quite superior.
Well done, Dad.

Move over My Kitchen Rules,
'cuz here comes HOUSE RULES !
I found my new favourite team :
Sean and Amy !
Go underdogs....

Back to square one.
With some yummy (ok, maybe not so) tea + honey.
Having some throat problems for a few days now.
I think its because of the dry weather.
Have a good night !

Listening to High School Musical - High School Musical 3 OST

Not a camera person,

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Wednesday, May 15, 2013

16. fast forward to the hardships.

I do apologize.
There seems to be a little change in today's plans.
Not that anyone is keeping track,
but I won't be doing the "A Day In The Life" post today.
Haven't I already done an "A Day In The Life" post ?
Well, I kinda misread the title.
It was supposed to be a picture of "A Moment In Your Day"...
I screwed up BIG TIME.
And normally,
I'd just switch.
Like, I'd do a 'moment in my life' today
since I already did 'a day in the life' last week.
But I remember I didn't do such a good job on that one either.
As in,
70% of all the pictures I uploaded were
pictures of me studying in different places of the school.
So, I wish to redeem myself !
I just don't know when I'll do it.
If I do it tomorrow,
it'll be a repeat of exactly what I did in THAT post.
Since it WAS a Thursday.
Oh well.
I'll just wait and see when I remember.

In the meantime,
I'll just go fast forward and do the next topic :
"Talk about something difficult about your 'lot in life' and
how you're working to overcome it."

1 Word : Procrastination.
Everyone has it.
You might think you don't.
But you do.
As for me,
I'm a HUGEEE procrastinator,
in case you don't know me (well enough).
Always dragging things to the last minute.
That's my specialty.
And you'd probably expect me to be one of those
"brilliant but lazy" students (haha perasan),
but I'm not.
I just procrastinate and am helplessly LAZY.

That is my dilemma.
One of the biggest obstacle in my life.
How will I make it through school and uni like this ?
What am I doing to overcome this ?
I know the best way is self-control and bla bla.
But I'm just too lazy to train myself to resist temptation slowly.
So I'll just do it the fast way.
Lock myself at the library.
It's easy and convenient.
Plus, I'm practicing my rights as a "citizen"
by using public infrastructure, right ?
I feel so Aussie now.
Just kidding.
The place is crawling with Asians.
Oh and Caucasian girls who just don't know how to keep their mouths shut.

The main idea is to keep myself isolated from the Internet.
And the State Library has terrible Wifi.
Plus, there has to be people around the place.
Preferably strangers.
Then I'd be forced to behave.
No talking, no sleeping, no slacking.

That means it won't be a problem
when I get a job too.
I'll be forced to work in an office.
Where I have to constantly
uphold my image and behaviour
as a hardworking Asian employee
who's probably doing hours of overtime
with no extra pay until I decide to bring
this to court.

By then, I'd probably have a new obstacle to overcome :
Getting to work on time !

Listening to Life in Colors - OneRepublic

Throat not feeling so hawt.
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Tuesday, May 14, 2013

14. that's what makes me super happy.

Name 10.
Ok, I'll try.
Don't blame me if I miss some good ones.
After all,
it's not like I'm happy 24/7.

  1. Getting good grades.... Bonus if I thought I did badly !
  2. Green tea-flavoured ZenQ Signature dessert. The portion's JUST right. Oh and those yummy QYuans....
  3. The song I wanna hear actually gets selected from my shuffled iPod playlist.
  4. Having a complete stranger say 'Thanks'... Bonus if they're loud =D
  5. Staying back during the last day of school just to FEEL that "I've got all the time in the world" feeling.
  6. Actually knowing how to do my homework without looking at the answers (except when referring to the answers)
  7. HangING out with friends ! The aftermath feels like a hangover.
  8. Getting mail. It's addicting. (eBay rocks ! Thanks Abby)
  9. Anything that doesn't go wrong. Ie: trying to make breakfast.
  10. sleep.

Listening to Enchanted - Taylor Swift

Mid-sems approaching. Brain on hiatus !
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Monday, May 13, 2013

13. its (not) too late to apologise

A moment of silence please.
For the ones I've (unintentionally) hurt.
I say 'sorry'. 
(No sarcasm involved)
I know me saying 'sorry' on my blog
might look and sound gutless,
(which I actually am)
but it IS today's topic,
so just let it be, please...

I know I might not be the nicest person around,
(Which I feel is attributed by my father's DNA,
but we'll save that for Father's Day)
but that's just who I am.
The kind of person who never thinks twice before
saying whatever silly thought that comes into mind
and having to live with the guilt and regret later on.
Sounds like me alright.

And so many hearts were stabbed and pierced
by the sharp edges of my careless
(as in 'I couldn't care less') words.
So today, as I sit before you,
I say, 'Sorry'.
(Once again, no sarcasm involved)

'Sticks and stones will break my bones.
But words will cause you to be filled with self-doubt and throw
yourself spiralling down a 20-storey building.'

I actually have a few people in mind
when it comes to apologising too.
As in, 
I can vividly remember all the bad things I did to them.
They were OK with it.
But one can NEVER be too sure.

Listening to Eyes on Me - Faye Wong

Back on TRACK !
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Sunday, May 12, 2013

12. homeward bound

Happy Mother's Day.
I don't know why everyone is freaking out about it.
But I'll just go with the flow.

Oh wow.
I must be pretty heartless to have said that.
Oh you know I'm not serious.

But seriously,
Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers.
And to my mother.
Because she's awesome for being the Mom
of the awesomest son !
OK, all this is getting to my head.

And Mom.
I decided to wish you a HMD on my blog
because I know this is the only place
you can't sneak up on me.
Good riddance Facebook.
So if you ever see this
(which I doubt
unless some jerk decides to leave the link on her wall)
Just Happy Mother's Day lahhhh....
Have fun spending the day alone.
Without me.

And it just so happens today's topic is about something (or someone) that I miss.
Well Mom,
I miss you.

And I know that I'm probably one of the most ungrateful and useless sons
out there.
But I'm glad you didn't leave me at the hospital and take another baby hope.
Maybe it was because you didn't know it'd turn out this bad.
But still, thanks for believing in me.
Despite telling me you SHOULD have taken another baby home from the hospital
instead of me.
But I know you don't mean it.
You're actually trying to teach me a valuable lesson.
But sometimes,
I wish you'd just keep your mouth shut,
and let me do things my way
even though I'm probably gonna make a mess.
But that's just another sign of you caring too much.

And thus,
an inextinguishable guilt is seeded in my heart.
Thanks a lot Mom.
At the end of the day,
I really have to ask myself.
Where would I be if it wasn't for you ?
the answer is quite simple.
I'd be a tiny dead sperm floating with the other 'failed' brothers and sisters
at the polluted rivers...
Or wherever the stuff we flush down the toilet go...

This is the moment where I am tempted
to find a good picture of her on Facebook and upload it
on my blog.
But that would look inappropriate...

Next up.
Something that I miss.
I miss my extra hard, flat, stale bed.
I miss "my" car.
I miss abusing "my" car.
I miss Starbucks.
I miss ZenQ.
I miss cheap stuff that I can buy on a w.h.i.m.
I miss Lucy's Kitchen too.

A place that I miss ?
Can't really say it's my bedroom.
This new bedroom is doing quite a nice job.
Oh but I do miss a room with LOCKS.
Let's see.
I miss the Starbucks at Citymall.
I remember going there all the time to study.
You know when the State Library is closed.
Come to think of it.
I miss the State Library too.
I miss a library where people actually shut up and do their own studying
instead of taking a seat and start talking.
I miss the front seat of my car.

I think everyone can agree about missing their childhood.
When we didn't have to worry about anything.
Well, to be more specific,
we miss every year that passes because of how tough
our life is slowly getting.
All the dramas happening just makes us wanna go back in time.
Don't you agree ?
I think Form 3 AND 6 were some of the best times of my life.
I really had fun.
Well, I had fun in Form 6
because I could afford to
as I didn't take my studies seriously...
Because I could afford to.
And I'm not really proud of this.
But hey,
you know what the famous Dexter said :
"PARTY NOW, study later !"
Ain't that right ?

Listening to Turn It On - Shameem

Snap me out of it,
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