Thursday, November 29, 2012



Ever wanted to have super powers ?
Well I have.
And I'm sure you have too.
If you've never thought about it,
chances are you need to take a break from the REAL WORLD.

I think about it ALL.THE.TIME !
I mean, when you're having a hard time,
wouldn't it be almost natuaral to fill your head with lots of 'what-if's ?
After carefully thinking about it for around 7 minutes or so,
I've come to the conclusion that the SUPA POWAH I want is the
 ability to stop time/time freeze !

I mean think about it.
Isn't time the most valuable thing a person can have.
(Old) People tend to say "Money can't buy time."
And I'm sure we've all realized that after living on this Earth for 20 years or so.
Death is inevitable.
If old age doesn't kill you in 100 years,
then a drunk driver probably will tomorrow night.
*touches wood*

Back to my point, stopping time would be such an awesome power.
When time is stopped, no one would realize it.
It's like the whole world stopped.
Just.For.You =D
Way to feel special !
"Time waits for no one.....except Me =D "

All the time to memorize your entire Pengajian Am syllabus.
Never being late for school.
Stopping before a bully punches you, and COUNTERATTACK.
Steal ! (you know it be true !)
Play games.
Draw weird stuff on other people's face.
Stand up, walk over to friend's table, copy answers during exam.
I could keep going, but I won't because I'm sure all you readers have enough IMAGINATION to think of the rest.

And the best part is, no one will ever know !
Since everyone will be in suspended animation during the time which you stopped.
If you walk pass them, they still won't notice you.
'Cuz you're actually walking at light speed in normal time.
That means the government won't find out and start persuading me to use my powers to become a super hero.

I did do some Google-ing (your best friend) and I found another equally interesting power.
One that is similar to mine. But better in a way.
The power to RESET !
Immortality is bad. You'll get bored of life in a few centuries, trust me.
So why don't you just make the MOST out of your time while you're still alive.
With the power to reset events, you can lead an almost perfect life !
Made a mistake ? NO PROBLEM !
Just press Alt+Z!
However I still think stopping time is better.
You can actually steal things when you stop time.


Listening to Nothing
Desperately needs more time,

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Friday, November 23, 2012


Yes, it's quite a sad sight actually.
I've had this book with me for almost 2 years now:

I mentioned this book a long time ago.
It's one of the 2 books I own.
The other one is called "House Rules",
which is WAY thicker than this book.

Yet I'm having trouble finishing this book !
The plot and descriptions and everything is just too DEEP.
I find myself finishing a chapter and
forgetting what happened at the beginning of it.
Too many characters too.
I mean it IS based on the real history of Facebook.
But I really wanna finish this book really badly.

So I've decided it's time TO MAKE NOTES.
Yes, I feel that I AM that desperate.
But I really wanna understand the story better.
If I record everything down, I can refer to it whenever I want to.
It'll take only a few minutes to refer back to a character's personality
and earlier involvements in the story.

Well I guess this means it's time to hit the library after I get back to KK !
Somehow I've grew attached to that place.
Going there became almost a habit for me 
after cramming so much there for STPM.
Let's just hope I can still find my muse and actually finish this book !

Leaving Selangor tomorrow ! 
Not exactly what I would look forward to the most 0_0

Listening to Begin Again - Taylor Swift
Sleep Deprived,
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Thursday, November 22, 2012


Did I mention that in my previous entry ?
*actually i'm still very unsure whether to call it an entry? post? or whatever ?

Flew to Selangor on Tuesday.
Coming back to KK on Saturday.
Did you know Selangor is not the same as KL ? They'll get mad if you mix them up XD
Gonna make the most out of this trip.

This is actually my first time traveling alone.
Well everyone has to has to have a 'first time' for everything, right ?
Had to literally BEG (and argue, of course) to have mom agree to this...

Well I'm here now. To say 'bye bye' to all my NS friends.
It was quite expensive but IT HAD TO BE DONE.
I honestly don't want this to become one of those "unfulfilled promises".
Those that I'll probably regret when I'm ALREADY in Aussie.

So far, my search has been pretty fruitful.
I've met a lot of my friends.
AND we had Good-Bye hugs !
That's something we couldn't do in camp because of religious reasons.
I'll do a much more detailed post (well, not THAT detailed) after I go back.
The days were hectic and crazy here.

This place is HUMONGOUS !
Malls are a few times bigger than the ones in KK.
Traveling to a mall takes almost 2 hours !
Friends who drive actually got lost.
Night time = Impossible-to-get-hope Hours
But everything is much more fun with long lost friends right ?
Especially when you always have a friend next to you.
thanks Nigel =)

And also, on a completely unrelated note,

Listening to Ain't Nobody Can Hold Me Down - Persona 4 The Animation OST

Away from Home,
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Saturday, November 17, 2012


Self explanatory !
How do you like my new layout ?
I was having lots of trouble picking out one since none of them appeal to me that much.
HECK ! Even my old one didn't really appeal to me.
*thanks Abby for telling me it's hard to read with black backgrounds ! LESSON LEARNED !

In the end, I decided to take a look at the Top 10 templates on Blogskins and I found this.
Fairly simple, right ?
I like it too !
And the coding was pretty light too (I know I'm a bad coder T_T )

Well I guess it's about time to make this piece of news public :
In about less than a month, I'll be moving to Australia;
Perth to be specific.
I'm sure my readers have a right to know,
but since my "readers" are all actually "le stalkerz",
I guess there's no point in telling you guyz since you ALREADY KNEW !

I still wonder how that piece of news got out to public 0_0
Oh well. Nothing to worry about, since it IS the truth.

So as you can see, I'm still crazy busy (the FUN-kind of busy) saying "Good-Bye" to everyone !
And also doing some slight packing and planing.
Already got an apartment, already found a house;
But I don't think I'm that thrilled about studying abroad.
Moving and all, it's a lot of work.
But I guess it's a good thing.
I mean everyone DOES stereotype Australia as a better place than Malaysia in almost every way ;
Food, Safety, Economy, Health, Society even !?
But I know ONE thing that they DON'T HAVE (or at least, rare) !

I have a good point RIGHT ?
Moving ON ! 
Stuff that I do everyday now :

  • Sleep
  • Sleep MOAR
  • Sleep till noon
  • Eat breakfast
  • Eat lunch
  • Eat dinner
  • Eat between meals
  • Playing my piano !
  • Going out with friends
  • Going out with another group of friends
  • Blogging, of course
  • Facebook, duhhhh
  • That also means Twitter !
  • Listening to MOAR music
  • Texting
  • Gyming *gasp*
  • TRYING to read
  • Church
  • Saying Good-Byes
  • Trying new cuisines (that means EAT EVEN MOAR !)
  •  DRIVE ! like a BOSS
  • Getting tired
  • Which results in SLEEP !
  • Repeat cycle !
Well, at least I'll have more time for updates now. See you real SOON !

Listening to Welcome Home - Radical Face
Hog Mode Activate,
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Thursday, November 15, 2012


STPM is over.
Homework stops piling in.
Repeated trips to the library have stopped.
School itself has been put to a temporary halt.
But time still flows as usual, if not faster.
My time is numbered.
The countdown to the end has already begun.

Listening to 依然爱你 - 王力宏
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