I don't know why everyone is freaking out about it.
But I'll just go with the flow.
Oh wow.
I must be pretty heartless to have said that.
Oh you know I'm not serious.
But seriously,
Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers.
And to my mother.
Because she's awesome for being the Mom
of the awesomest son !
OK, all this is getting to my head.
And Mom.
I decided to wish you a HMD on my blog
because I know this is the only place
you can't sneak up on me.
Good riddance Facebook.
So if you ever see this
(which I doubt
unless some jerk decides to leave the link on her wall)
Just Happy Mother's Day lahhhh....
Have fun spending the day alone.
Without me.
And it just so happens today's topic is about something (or someone) that I miss.
Well Mom,
I miss you.
And I know that I'm probably one of the most ungrateful and useless sons
out there.
But I'm glad you didn't leave me at the hospital and take another baby hope.
Maybe it was because you didn't know it'd turn out this bad.
But still, thanks for believing in me.
Despite telling me you SHOULD have taken another baby home from the hospital
instead of me.
But I know you don't mean it.
You're actually trying to teach me a valuable lesson.
But sometimes,
I wish you'd just keep your mouth shut,
and let me do things my way
even though I'm probably gonna make a mess.
But that's just another sign of you caring too much.
And thus,
an inextinguishable guilt is seeded in my heart.
Thanks a lot Mom.
At the end of the day,
I really have to ask myself.
Where would I be if it wasn't for you ?
the answer is quite simple.
I'd be a tiny dead sperm floating with the other 'failed' brothers and sisters
at the polluted rivers...
Or wherever the stuff we flush down the toilet go...
This is the moment where I am tempted
to find a good picture of her on Facebook and upload it
on my blog.
But that would look inappropriate...
Next up.
Something that I miss.
I miss my extra hard, flat, stale bed.
I miss "my" car.
I miss abusing "my" car.
I miss Starbucks.
I miss cheap stuff that I can buy on a w.h.i.m.
I miss Lucy's Kitchen too.
A place that I miss ?
Can't really say it's my bedroom.
This new bedroom is doing quite a nice job.
Oh but I do miss a room with LOCKS.
I miss the Starbucks at Citymall.
I remember going there all the time to study.
You know when the State Library is closed.
Come to think of it.
I miss the State Library too.
I miss a library where people actually shut up and do their own studying
instead of taking a seat and start talking.
I miss the front seat of my car.
I think everyone can agree about missing their childhood.
When we didn't have to worry about anything.
Well, to be more specific,
we miss every year that passes because of how tough
our life is slowly getting.
All the dramas happening just makes us wanna go back in time.
Don't you agree ?
I think Form 3 AND 6 were some of the best times of my life.
I really had fun.
Well, I had fun in Form 6
because I could afford to
as I didn't take my studies seriously...
Because I could afford to.
And I'm not really proud of this.
you know what the famous Dexter said :
"PARTY NOW, study later !"
Ain't that right ?
Listening to Turn It On - Shameem
Snap me out of it,
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