Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Dark Factory of Mass Production, Eunice's B'day, Hysteric Disaster, PIZZA ???

OMG OMG OMG, haven't been updating much, since I tend to stay up really late and wake up really early to attend discussion sessions, so I tend to fall asleep in the evening when I get home at 6 all the way till 10 something, so I never get ANYTHING done this week....NOTES STILL STACKING AHHH !!! *Fall off* I usually feel a pain or an emotional sickness when I found up I over-slept and am late, or my ahli kumpulan keep stacking work for me, but it felt different when I saw the beautiful sun as it sets down the hill, spreading it's beauty across the eternal horizons...I just wish either this holiday would be longer, or school would be this less stressful and we were given time to discuss our projeks instead of letting us take care of that, at least then everyone wouldn't have an excuse not to show up !!! The number of ahli that showed up wasn't too surprising nor was it too ambiguos...

Monday : 3/7 (Tam Kang, Chang Mei Ting, Wong Jia Shan)
Tuesday: 4/7 (Tam Kang, Chang Mei Ting, Wong Jia Shan, Nicholette Victor)

Definetely NOT very exciting...but today was much more progressive than the mule-like yesterday !!! We managed to get SOME work done and went to try out the roti canai at the indian restaurant near our school (for our projek of course) (met Asnah There) So tomorrow I wanted Me, Nicholette and Ananda (if he doesn't RUN this time) to translate the english recipe text to Malay and Mei Ting with Jia Shan do re-modification to the report folio then come join us after that...

Hopefully we can have PIZZA tomorrow !!! Then on Thursday, we should be making final modifications and having the final proto-type preperation and do the JP extra credit assignment in my house ^.^ Hope everything is GOING ACCORDING TO PLAN...We've only managed to have a meal in an Indian-type Restaurant but not the others...Chinese, maybe for Thursday's lunch or maybe juz a 'Bao' from the cafe nearby IF THEY STILL SELL IT !!! Malay, nasi lemak ??? Maybe I should ask Asnah pick one up for us XPPPP Indian, ROTI CANAI DUHH !!! Kadazan ??? NO way I'm eating HINAVA= dead and raw fish

At this rate if we keep EATING AND EATING AND EATING...mau muntah sudah XD Enough of that....OMG I forgot Eunice's b'day, i saw ShnWei's blog writing about it so I wanted to *congratulate* her but I forgot until Yesterday night when I saw ShnWei stressing about HER FORGETTING EUNICE's B'day...The next day (today) I saw then in school kneeting some things or wateva ???!!!

Sejarah Projek is a hysterical (not historical) disaster, like a wild party gone....ABSOLUTELY 100% GREAT !!! I'm afraid we might not be able to get 1 of the 2 projeks done after the holiday...(excluding printing phase) but the Sej projek is dued on the First Day of school !!! AHHHH Rosnawati's SOOO gonna bring a rose whip....but I can't blame her 'cuz some of the lower ranked class have already handed their's in only that they HAVE Yong Shu Lan as their teacher so they could get GUIDANCE EASY especially if they're doing Atkinson Clock Tower 'cuz she already have a pre-made one for REFERENCE XP

Tomorrow's pizza ??? We MIGHT have 5 people tomorrow...(Tam Kang, Chang Mei Ting, Wong Jia Shan, Nicholette Victor, Ananda Wong) I guess Vyonne and Melissa won't be turning up....

Vyonne: Dono wad happened to her, we couldn't get in touch with her
Melissa: Her moms fierce and won't let her go for an IN-SCHOOL OUTING (HUH not even school concerts....)

Wateva....Catcha' Later !!!

Roti Canai (notice the spilt curry sauce *my fault*)
What kinda sauce is this ????
Chili ??? Not much left...Sowi Nicholette
PROOF for our PSK projek that we went to the Restaurant !

Is she closing her eyes ?

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