Thursday, July 23, 2009


Damn these cursed fingers of mine...SPOILERS are gonna SPOIL you...SHIELD YOUR EYES !!!


What if the school you're in right now, is more than a simple teaching facility...
What if they're secrets kept from you,
secrets that other's know of,
but not all.

Believe it or not, there was ONE school that was special.
The students you see there might look normal,
act normal, behave normal...
But there lies a hidden secret,
that only the elite know of ;
And only the ELITE...

What if you are one of the Chosen Ones...
Chosen to take part,
Chosen to RISK,
In this WAR ...

People, every single one of them,
had the freedom to choose their religions and beliefs.
As well as the GODS that they worship.
But what if you were forced to worship it ?
As it was you HIDDEN DESTINY.

Will you fight with it ? Or against it ?
And would you defend yourself, in it's name ?
And which GOD are you destined to follow ?

The Tragic Rose
The Clustering Stars
The Creation-Shaking Demons
The Legendary Fairies

Which is you destiny ?

The creation of this story as well as it's elements strongly resemble the following anime as it has given a head start and inspiration for me in writing this story...


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