Friday, December 17, 2010

Progression !

Yare Yare (my my ) I'm so happy to be able to update again (sarcasm)...Sorry for the inactive-ness (3 days). I've been pretty occupied with tuition, work (16 year old stuff) and of course, CRAZY PARTIES...(who'd live without parties ?) And now I'm exhausted ! It's a calm (with insane thunder) Sunday afternoon and I'm blogging ! Lolz =.= While hearing lots of people swearing on the Internet because the rain is stopping them from going Christmas Shopping !

Anyways, let me start from where I left off on Thursday ! I'm finally doing something useful (in my schedule) during this holiday (even though it's almost ending !). My plan will be that I wake up at about 8 to 10 then do WHATEVER I want (lolz, freedom much) This will range from piano to reading my Falling Leaves novel and other things, MOST IMPORTANTLY BLOGGING ! (So I might not update on Tuesday and Friday as I have tuition in the morning) Then I'll have my 'humble" lunch (fit for a rat :P) Then I'll start doing my "productive" activities ! Currently I'm helping my piano teacher create a website ! But she's too busy to write contents so it's at a stand still (I'll have to get back to her next Tuesday) and also I'm playing with my Microsoft Powerpoint to learn a few tricks. There are actually steps in which you can make your presentation very "SHINY" (that's how I put it). Then I'll bathe and have my dinner (earlier than my family) and start STUDYING (PLEASE LET ME CONCENTRATE AFTER A DAY OF FUN) until about 10pm and I guess I'll play around some more until I go to bed (12am latest !)

Now that that's settled, it's time for some fun ! Just go get you up to speed, I was running around the Internet (causing trouble) when I came across the LudumDare which is a dare for programmers who have NOTHING BETTER TO DO ON THEIR WEEKEND...The website (controlled by a super evil puppet master. JK) will suggest a POWER WORD each week and participants (still not sure izzit a contest) will have to make a GAME within 2 days (Weekend) which has something to do with the POWER WORD...I dunno will there be a prize for 1st place (Since I STILL don't know whether it's a contest) I have 2 people I know working on it now, Artix and Rolith but keep in mind that they're only doing this once so if you wanna watch their live streaming, then you'll have to do it NOW ! (As in within this weekend)

This brings me to my second superb discovery ! USTREAM ! Which (if you have a webcam) lets you broadcast your VERY OWN WebSHOW ! (Just like iCarly, only that you'll have to drag your webcam around you all the time) It even records audio (and also audio ONLY) without a microphone. I'm still not sure what the recorded videos go but the live broadcasting one is DEFINETELY LIVE ! (A few seconds delay perhaps) But once you go offline I don't think the show is recorded anywhere...That's a little sad as some people might be busy at that time...

(For your information, the password is tamkang)

I'm not sure will I be doing a show (AUDIO ONLY PLEASE, I'm too scared to show my fugly face) but I'll see first..Lolz, we all know RECORDED voices all sound VERY FUNNY ! So I'm having my doubts...You can also record what's in your computer screen and broadcast it (but you'll need another 14 MB software called ManyCam)

Google Adsense ? It's suppose to be like Nuffnang right ? I wonder should I try it out ? I mean I heard Nuffnang pays GOOD (better than Adverlets) but it's ALLL up to the Unique Visitors you get per day which I'm not really good at promoting :( I've been blogging for almost 2 years now (I can swear that this blog has more than 10,000 words :P)

I was checking my Nuffnang Account and they said I had a visitor from US :) Which is probably just some pretty horrible mistake because no one in the US would read my blog T.T Well, I do have a cousin studying there, but I still doubt she'll read...

Moving on to my 2nd biggest discovery ! Actually discoveries ! I was being fed up of having a VERY messy (more like dusty !) room so I decided to clean up ! Well just a bit, I won't do much about the dust 'cuz I dunno where it is but the BOOKS (seriously, 10 years worth of books) are just VERY WRONG ! Packing and stuff was HORRIBLE, the dust was flying everywhere...My dad came in for 3 minutes and got a flu when he went out. Needless to say, I was having some MUCUS problem (tissue crisis) while I'm cleaning so I decided to just stuff everything back in. In a more orderly manner of course ! Here is the schedule:

3.05pm : -ZOMG ! I'm LATE !!! (run upstairs after piano)
-Tidy up locker Number 1
-Apologized to Heaster about finally throwing her chocolates away
3.15pm : -Answer some friends on Facebook
3.17pm : -Got rid of the nasty chinese writing ink which I don't use anymore (CUZ I DON'T TAKE CHINESE ANYMORE !!1 MUHHAHAHAHA)
3.21pm : -Found my microscope set !
-Watched Danial's "Playing with Eel" video
3.22pm : -Found the mug ShnWei gave me for my birthday last year (still new with packaging)
3.23pm : -Finally Hollowed out my first locker (Found 10 Cents)
3.28pm : -Found lots of stuff ! (Keepsake)
3.38pm : -Taking ALot of Photos !
3.48pm : -Keyboard and Mouse starting to feel dusty (or it could be my fingers)
-Stuffing everything together !!!
4.06pm : -Hollowing out some Lower Form School Books
-Found a tall box to fill my stuff (dunno how mom will react)
4.10pm : -Took a short break (Make that a LOONNNGGG break)
5.12pm : -Back to WORK !
5.21pm : -Arranging all my books (including the Primary School excercise books that I've
5.53pm : -Still at it !!!
6.06pm : -Finally Hollowed out my second locker (MORE PHOTOS)
6.26pm : -Still PACKING ! Things are looking bright :)
7.02pm : -Still doing my stuff but I think it's time to call it a day :P

And that's how it went, Today I finally finished everything by stuffing EVERYTHING back into my lockers and some empty boxes (kept under my bed). Now all I have to do I clean up !

Me and my little brother when we were little...

Heaster's present for my Form 2 Birthday, I kept that ONE last piece for 2 years ! (Finally got rid of it, sadly)

Here is the proof that I apologized to her...

The Young Scientist Microscope Set which (I was still in Primary School) I broke in 2 days !

Some of the Pencil Cases that I've used in my entire life !

The flags of states in M'sia. Was gonna use it for my Pengakap nota but I switched to Wushu in the end so that's useless now.

Sticker names I collected in primary school !

Photo of Me, Chloe, Erine and Abby when we were in Form 1 ~~

The MEZZ!!!

The best envelop I ever got !

This is suppose to be a phone but we can't use it because the volume is EXTREMELY LOW !

My collection of Yu-Gi-OH cards when I was little !

Shnwei's note for my 15th birthday ~~

Here it is with the envelop...

Little doll that sings, I got it when I was little and it STILL sings till today when I use it (albeit much weaker) I don't want it to EVER run out of battery T.T

Neglected name tags, my ID Pelajar is supposed to be 07155 but my uniform says 07154 (wrong) but I'm just too lazy to switch !

The only mini Gundam model which I was able to finish myself when I was little (That time, we have 6 years to prepare for a major little determining exam)

Monster Inc. Torch Light thing which I ALSO BROKE !!!

Anyways, in hour now, I'll have another crazy party to attend ! It's Pierre's Birthday ! Well the correct date is Christmas Eve but you aren't human if you follow your exact birth date every year. Let me just say ONE THING before I go get ready.

To Pierre:
You might not know but your birthday has caused unthinkable distress upon your guest. We
have never had a harder choice in the holiday than to CHOOSE YOUR BIRTHDAY PRESENT !

I just found a last-minute-grab-something-random-from-my-locker present for him ! It's a cute little kangaroo I got from Australia (cost about RM10) but what matters is the feelings not the gift right ? (Yea, "right") I guess I should be going now, still have to wrap that cute little kangaroo (OMG, I'm totally heartbroken, giving something with so much sentimental value !!!). Bye Guys !


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