Friday, August 23, 2013

i wanna i wanna i wanna

Just a random post.
To keep you people entertained.
Provided you still read this blog, that is.
let's talk 'ambition'.
Every kid has those.
If you don't have one,
you have some serious issues to sort out...
Whether its from becoming a doctor
to creating weapons of mass destruction
to using weapons of mass destruction
to resurrecting zombies and deceased relatives,
(almost) everybody has an ambition(s).

I had some too.
But they were mostly related to my future career.
At first,
I wanted to be an astronaut.
The man in space.
Because space fascinated me to no end.
Mom bought a really big book.
I'd flip to the last page and place it standing.
All the controls are there.
I'd sit in front of it and pretend to be a real astronaut.
not everyone can be an astronaut.

But who needs astronauts, right ?
They're useless.
And never used.
Pay must be pretty low.
Pilots are much better !
After all, the sky's the limits.
Until you realize there'll be another 100 people on board.
And you can't take naps.
And you have to eat special meals.
And you have to stare at navigation controls for hours.
Oh, and then comes the glasses.

Let's be realistic now.
First, astronaut.
Now a pilot !?
You're getting way too ahead of yourself.
Having a 'grounded' job is good enough.
So its settled.
I'll be an artist !
Its so easy.
We draw things, get famous, and get rich.
But thank goodness I took Arts in kindergarden.
THAT made me realize,
drawing n TK no mix good.

Journalism ?
Well, maybe.
But I don't really like writing.

So what else do I do ?
And this is where all those dreams come crashing down.
'I'm pretty useless, aren't I ?'
Ok, its settled.
I'll do something really simple.
Something that I know I'm already interested in.
Computery stuff.
I like computers.
And I like stuff.
And the emo computer teacher in school looks cool.
What could go wrong ?
so what's the difference between
Information Technology and Computer Science ?

But wait.
What about copywriting ?
No, I'm not a photocopy machine assistant.
You know,
copywriters design stuff like pamphlets and brochures.
Sounds cool.
Some creative work,
some writing.
And I'm good in English, right ?
IT or Advertising ?

the IT field seems to be blossoming better.
Plus, I MIGHT just run out of creativity soon.
So....still IT !
But seriously,
what's the difference between
Information Technology and Computer Science ?
But I'm pretty sure now.
Something to do with computers !

Or am(was?) I ?
Its funny.
Because what I wanna do now,
is completely diffeent in every single way possible.
I'm sure those who REALLY stalk me
or know me in RL
would know what I wanna do in uni
(and subsequently, as a career).
But I'll save that for another post.
Which shouldn't take too long...
Enjoy your weekend !

Listening to I Wanna - The All-American Rejects

You lift my feet off the ground,
spin me around.
You make a crazier, crazier. 



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