Sunday, September 1, 2013

the week that came from h311

So true.
And I'm super exhausted right now.
So I guess I'll go take a lil' nap first.

*One nap and two unproductive days later*

I think.

The point is,
I had a terrible week.
And I'll share with you all,
just WHAT made my week that terrible.

Let's start with Tuesday.
It was supposed to be a beautiful day.
Classes only started at 10.30.
I had almost the whole morning to goof off.
Who cares about homework, right ?
I mean,
its not everyday you get to be home alone.

FYI, parents went to India for a vacation.
So I'm home alone with my brother.

So I got to chill in an empty apartment for the morning.
Karaoke-ing in the shower at max volume was awesome too.
I didn't notice it was drizzling until I left the house.
I ran across the street to the bus stop and waited.
The rain didn't stop when I got to the bus station.
In fact, the closer I got to my destination,
the more it rained.
I said destination because
I had to get down a block away from the school.
And the stop wasn't sheltered.
I was ready to sacrifice my cardigan.
And thank God I was wearing two hoods.
But the entire process itself didn't go very well.

As soon as I left the bus,
my clothes were all soaked.
I had to run.
But the more I ran, the wetter my shoes got.
Ok well, they're completely soaked.
My bag was shielding my books and iPod.
Thank You Bag.
I love you.
But I must admit,
if I weren't going to school,
and my books, laptop and iPod weren't in my bag.
I would've enjoyed running in the rain.
All that cold air brushing against your face.
Droplets of water on your glasses.
Oh and wet hair.
I luv wet hair.
Ok, getting off topic there.

When I got to school,
it was recess and everyone looks so DRY.
That was the only thing I could think of.
"omg they're dryyyyy."
And there I was looking like a mess.
My cardigan was soaked.
Pants soaked.
Shoes soaked.
It felt a little uncomfortable.
After that, I had to wait outside the lab for class to begin.
And THAT'S when I started to feel the chill.
Mostly because I had to take my wet cardigan off.
Wearing a single layer while its raining in the middle of winter.
NOT the best idea.
When the door opened,
I walked to the back of the classroom where the heater was situated.
Some people were a little surprised by that.
Even my scary Chemistry teacher.
I set my camp.
Took my shoes off.
Took my pants off.
Lay my cardigan on the table.

Surprisingly, everyone said it was a very cold day.
But I barely felt anything.
Even while wearing a single layer.
Yay, running in the rain causes temporary immunity to cold cold weather.
I guess that's sort of an achievement.

Stayed up till 2 to finish my English essay draft.

I know I told myself to be more vigilant
when it comes to taking care of my belongings.
Looks like I've still a long LONG way to go.
So here's what happened.
I was doing my stuff at my locker.
While talking to Miss Fashion,
I accidentally closed my locker and locked it.
And then whoopppsss.
Where are my keys ?
Well, its not in my pockets.
Not in my bag.
So it MUST'VE been inside my locker.
But wait.
Where's my laptop.
(here we go again)
Its still in the computer lab.
So I went back to take it.
Thank God I noticed right away.
so crisis partly averted.
But there's still the problem with my locker.
No problem.
I'll just go home and call Mom.
Ask her where the spare keys are.

But we all know I'm not getting off the hook that easily.
"I think I left them in KK."
"Just break the lock."
So there I was,
running around the house at 1am.
(Because its only 10pm in India)
Looking for the spare keys.
Running to the phone.
Raiding my whole room.
I really didn't want to break the lock.
So many sentimental memories T_T

Stayed up till 2 worrying about what to do.

So after getting 5 hours worth of sleep for 2 days in a row,
I can't really say I woke up all fresh and ready.
Actually it was quite the opposite.
I overslept a little and BARELY made it to class on time.
And then I slept in class.
After that, I went down to the office
and asked for the gardener to help break my lock open.

There goes my lock.
That felt almost as bad as having my heart smashed into
a million pieces !
(I treat all my possessions as living things.
Sooooo..... )
It was heartbreaking.
But what happened next might be is worse !
Locker door opened.
Super dumbfounded.
I don't know why but my hand suddenly reached into my bag pocket,
and TADA !
My keys were in my pocket ALL.********.ALONG =D
What a great ending....
After that I spent a good ten minutes emo-ing next to my locker.

At that point,
I've pretty much made up my mind
about calling this the worse week ever.
I was supposed to have a little dinner party with some friends.
Two to be exact.
We were gonna make ratatouille.
You know,
the one from the movie Ratatouille ?
For privacy reasons,
I will not disclose exactly what happened.
But here are some keywords that might help with your imagination.

Bell peppers - steak - side dish - boiled potatoes - hot pot -
chopping onions - cracks - annoying kid - chicken fingers -
water - KFC - igniter - wine - hair dryer - French stranger -
extension cords - vacuum cleaner - HAWT - parodies -
mixed herbs - CookieQueen - address - dessert -
YouTube - corridor - power fuse - pray - torch light -
neighbour - WiFi - quiz - tired - tired - TIRED

Yup I think that pretty much sums up the night.
Good luck figuring that out !
I wouldn't say it was TERRIBLY TERRIBLE
(but still terrible to an extent),
but I was left so exhausted when everyone went home.
And I still had to clean !

Went to bed at 2 after sorting out the mess that we made.

I TGIF-ed like never before !
I woke up tired.
I slept on the bus.
Barely made it to class.
Slept for an hour in IT,
because no one was doing ANYTHING.
The rest of the day went by relatively quickly.
I got home,
did the dishes,
had McD for dinner.
Fell asleep on my bed....

And with that,
my week from h311 ended.
Well, that AND my super unproductive weekend.
Worst part ?
I didn't get to study A SINGLE BIT for the entire week.
I feel like slapping myself.
Am I slowly burning out ?
*slaps self*
Time to get serious soon !
With studies, I mean.
Maybe I won't be able to blog so much anymore.
Oh wait.
Won't you look at this ?
Another 'wall o text' post.
Ooooopppps guess I got a little carried away.
But nevermind that.
As I was saying,
maybe I'll tune my blogging frequency down a little,
and see how it goes from there.
So until next time.
this won't turn into the fortnight from h311.
I want tomorrow to be a new beginning. =)

Listening to Clarity - Covered by Michelle Chamuel (by Zedd feat. Foxes)

I had the week that came from hell.
And yes I know that you could tell.
But you're like the net under the ledge,
When I go flying off the edge,
you go flying off as well.



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