Friday, November 23, 2012


Yes, it's quite a sad sight actually.
I've had this book with me for almost 2 years now:

I mentioned this book a long time ago.
It's one of the 2 books I own.
The other one is called "House Rules",
which is WAY thicker than this book.

Yet I'm having trouble finishing this book !
The plot and descriptions and everything is just too DEEP.
I find myself finishing a chapter and
forgetting what happened at the beginning of it.
Too many characters too.
I mean it IS based on the real history of Facebook.
But I really wanna finish this book really badly.

So I've decided it's time TO MAKE NOTES.
Yes, I feel that I AM that desperate.
But I really wanna understand the story better.
If I record everything down, I can refer to it whenever I want to.
It'll take only a few minutes to refer back to a character's personality
and earlier involvements in the story.

Well I guess this means it's time to hit the library after I get back to KK !
Somehow I've grew attached to that place.
Going there became almost a habit for me 
after cramming so much there for STPM.
Let's just hope I can still find my muse and actually finish this book !

Leaving Selangor tomorrow ! 
Not exactly what I would look forward to the most 0_0

Listening to Begin Again - Taylor Swift
Sleep Deprived,


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