Sunday, May 16, 2010

I haven't forgotten

This is a really really long ago draft which I never got to finish so I thought I'd just post it up here and let you all read it....

OMG OMG OMG Test or as I like to call it The First Wave is coming like ummm...NEXT WEEK...I'm pretty sure y'know why I ain't updatin' me' blog' last week...If you don't, then it's because I was too busy having fun and doing homework (Ewww...Not BOTH at the same time) !

First I have to go attend the OFFICIAL (Super-kewl) KKHS Installation Night !!! *loud cheers* It's suppose to be an event where the new AJK of the Interact Club (Yes, organized by the Interact Club). That's why they call it "INSTALLATION" though I feel like a computer software if this keeps up...This year I got the jawatan PENOLONG something something grafik-related thingy...Isn't it upper awesome ? I don't even know my own jawatan... All I know is that I'm REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY low in the ranking board. (Seriously, they said "And LASTLY, Tam Kang !") LOL, I thought she would've pronounced my name wrong 'cuz she made a huge pause. (She=Parvish ! Our leader !) Got a cute little badge and stuff...Then we sat down to listen to speeches (no one was paying much attention apparently). My table consisted of Me, Vyon, Jac, Heas, Chas, Audrey, ShnWei and Melissa, Ting and Axel (What a stroke of luck !) She called out to me first ('cuz I didn't think she remembers me...yay she does)...There has been some issues but I won't mention other people's business in my blog...There were some really FUn shows and stuff (Sexy girls dancing, Man in black a.k.a angels, I guess, dancing, choir thingy and trio singing performances ETC) !!!

Dinner wasn't very satisfiying, there were two long tables full of food but people were like RUSHING at the food so my table waited for the line to "cool-down"...By the time we went out, there wasn't alot of food left, just fried rice, noodles and some chicken thingy (I'm not very good when it comes to analysizing dishes and their very noticeable exterior features, all I know is that it's BROWN)...Good thing they re-filled (or wateva) so we got to eat (slightly) more. Oh that emcee is soooo scary !!! (Abigail) She was like going from table to table playing truth or dare on us XP Something funny happened...Then, she asked a few boys and girls to do cat walks and tricks on stage and stuff...(I've never felt happier about being unpopular in my life) Good thing no one knows me XP...


Haha, was fun watching people do stuff...But I feel kinda guilty (T.T) I only knew I got a jawatan on Wed during the first club meeting. Lol, they didn't tell me, Cikgu Z told me XP Oh no, minor character alert...

Next day (Saturday) Was planning to go to the beach to join the All Team Perbarisan party thingy...But since I woke up at 8 (Called LJB several time asking about the time of the party) and I wasn't sure whether it started on 8 or 9 so I just ignored it and did not go...I also had a JPS party (Government Dinner thingy) that night. Mom was "forced" to buy 5 tickets, RM100 each so we still have 1 extra, she told me to invite LJB, although she kept pronouncing his initials LBJ...Lol THAT's FUNNY...

Wanted to call him but he still wasn't home by 4pm (party was suppose to end at 2pm) I was starting to worry..."OH NO !!! What if they're having too much fun and I missed this chance ?" Anyways, called at like 4.30 and he finally picked up (went to cut my hair in between 'cuz of boredom) and he said "YES" so I was like "YAY" won't be bored and stuff...The dinner was held at Promenade Hotel and we were kinda late. So no more underground parking for us, instead mom asked the hotel staff can she park in a mini car park right opposite the entrance. LOL he said "YES" We (Me, LJB, bro and his friend) were like o.0 "what ? we can park there ? LOL"

I thought it was gonna be a very boring night but the entertainment was HILARIOUS...Men dressed as women competing in a beauty pageant...Winner got a crown, those pageant ribbon, a huge trophy and RM 500 !!! All the participants (I'm pretty sure they were forced) got RM 100 as consolation prize. NO WAY, I'm not entering...It was really disturbing and stuff...But funny at the same time.

Spent last Sunday doing all my homework (and still, I failed to finish them)...

This week was sooooo full of stress...Monday I had to come home after school immediately to start crackin' on my UNFINISHED. homework that I "reserved" till today...The same goes for Tuesday, I had to like lock myself inside the room and start crackin' open my brain...Went "gaga" at about 8.30...LOL...

On Wednesday, we had KOKUM again (groans) Pengakap uniform annoys me (but at least it's better than KRS and Kadet Polis...But Kadet Polis seldom wear their uniforms), teacher explained to us (those who got the lencana keahlian) about the camp that's gonna help us earn Lencana Usaha. Copying notes, going camping, 6km hikes are NO PROBLEM to me (at least not MUCH problem for me) but bathing in a river is a big NONO...You don't expect me to do that right ??? GOU NGONG OH (Melissa's motto in the school yearbook)

Then there was Wushu (my NEW permainan since I went permainan-less for 1 and 1/2 year...LONG STORY) I thought I could finally attend a permainan meeting after soooo long...But last week, Teacher LLL asked us (in tuition) anyone in Karate, Wushu or Tae Kwan Do. I said I was in Wushu then she say "Which one do you choose, Wushu or Pengakap ? Was really confused but she explained those 3 permainan are gonna turn into unit beruniform...I was like I wanted to ask LJB but he's still clueless as always so I decided to let the matter slip by. Manatau it really came true !!! AHHH, still mentally and physically exhausted, I couldn't think straight (also from the shock of the camp thing and all) I tick Wushu as my unit beruniform !!! (What was I thinking, 5 min of stretching almost killed me DUHH)


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