Saturday, July 4, 2015

Day 3: Road Trip

I've been living in WA for over two years now.
Lucky for me, my parents got us a place smack dab in the middle of the CBD area.
We were about 15-20 minutes walk to the city. Buses to the city were free. And we live in a highly professional area, where small environmental, legal and health-related firms are abundant.
We are about 5 minutes away from the renowned Kings Park. And my uni, UWA, is just on the other end of Kings Park.
How convenient is that!?

Not so lucky for me, I can safely say that I've been living within a 25km radius around the CBD area.
Not so fun for me now, is it?
I've attended high school up north for a year, but then uni pulled me right back into the busy city.
You also know that I don't do much travelling, because (SPOILERS) I am lazy.
Needless to say, I've never really been out travelling around WA.
I've been to the Pinnacles once. It sounds cool, but it's actually (SPOILERS) a dessert (obvious typo was unintentional). So that wasn't very fun either.

HOWEVER (do you see the positive-negative-positive trend going on here?), I've been lucky enough to head up to Beverly for a few hours with the MicroBlitz team.
At the time, we went up in the day and headed back down in the evening.
All we did was join the local Malleefowl Preservation Group for lunch and a quick presentation of our project.
THIS time, I got to do so much more. Again, thanks to the generous MicroBlitz project, I was able to spend three days up north, in Wongan Hills.
According to Wikipedia, the town has a population of about 600+ (back in 2006).
Most people would be bored to death to head up to an empty country town, but it was a real treat for me.
I got to go further inland and see how things were.
A real big surprise was how it reminded me (note: not resemble, just remind) of my dad's hometown, Kudat, back in Malaysia.
I used to head up there during my school holidays to live with my grandparents.
Life was slow, peaceful and stressless (not that there were any stress back in kindergarten).
Living up there might not be so bad after all.
Some peace and serenity sounds great after hearing the sound of traffic zooming past for the last two years (P.S. I can still hear it as I'm writing).

Figure 1. I'm not a big fan of travelling and all. But the sights were simply gorgeous! I'll never see this kind of sunsets in Perth. The tall vegetation spanning across the landscape gives me a very African/Lion King vibe when I see it. In a way, the 3-hour drive up to the Hills was in itself a treat.

Listening to Bad Blood - Taylor Swift



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