Saturday, June 27, 2015

Day 0: Introductions

Hey everyone!
This week (well, last week, technically) I decided to try something different. I'm making a Vlog series!
Seven Vlog entries, each detailing what I did that day.
And this post marks the first one: Day 0, which is like a brief introduction to myself.

All seven (or eight, if you count Day 0) videos will be uploaded on Youtube but are only accessible through my blog (because privacy). They'll be under a special tag known as "OVA 2: Sieben Chronicles" (sieben is German for seven, because SPOILERS: it's seven videos).

I will talk a little bit about my Vlogging experience in each post. So I hope you look forward to those too!

Figure 1. For those of you who've never tried it, you have no idea how easy it is to 'accidentally' press the 'Take a picture' button instead of the 'Take a video' button. As a result, cringe-worthy pictures usually result with you facepalming yourself extremely hard. The effects are amplified when in the presence of other people.

Listening to Feeling Electric - Parade of Lights



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