Monday, June 17, 2013

turbulence after the storm

Its in !
My results are back !
it was a little unexpected.
My grades I mean.
Some were higher,
some were lower.
But I THINK I SHOULD just shut up
and be grateful about it.

I'd just be pulling your leg about it.
did I use the correct expression ?
But I just thought of a wonderful idea.
Why don't I just post it out here.
For all to see.
You can't stop me.
I should be charging you for entering my territory.

Sooooo yeah.
I'll just announce my results
and tell you how I FEEL about it.
Because its vital for humans to let out their inner ego once in a while...
Or all the time,
depends on who I'm exposing it to.
But if its to you stalkerz,
I don't mind. =)
(while you're reading,
please take the time
to enjoy some random inspirational pictures
that I found on Tumblr.)

First Class : Maths !
A Whopping 80.
Raised to 81%, after some corrections.
Possibly an 82.
This was kinda disappointing.
Kinda put me in a not-so-good mood for the rest of the day.
I made a few careless mistakes.
Well, I know its a good score.
And a lot of people are dying for it,
but as a Malaysian,
I keep thinking that I'm doing an SPM-level course.
And that really bugs me when .....
Actually you know what ?
81 IS pretty high.
Hey, talking about it really helps !

Second Class : Chemistry !
I remember going into the test all confident.
And the truth is,
I made a bunch of silly mistakes,
'cuz I was too high.
And true enough,
those looming thoughts really turned into mistakes.
I got a 76% for Chemistry.
That's like 2 marks away from a B.
So, that was close...

The good news is,
I got full marks for my essay.
Which I felt I strongly deserved.
2.5 page essay for 10 marks FTW.

Third Class : Physics !
Hardest subject in the world....
Ok well,
SECOND hardest subject in the world.
And what did I get ?
So that's like a super borderline A,
I guess.
Quite honestly,
I don't know how I would've went with this.
It felt easy,
but yet so hard.
I mean,
do you have ANY idea how easy it is to type the wrong numbers into your calculator and mess up your entire equation ?
My hands were shaking.
But I guess I should also be happy about.
This is like...impossible ?
For me, anyways...

Fourth Class : English (as an Additional Language/Dialect)
I got held up talking to one of my Physics classmates.
She was having trouble with her upcoming test
because she was ward-bound for the past few weeks.
I decided to help her a bit.
By explaining stuff about DC motors.
By the time I got to class,
I was around 15 minutes late.
And just like every Monday English class,
my homework/assessment is already waiting for me.
Sitting innocently on my table,
next to Minh.
Lying face-down.
My grades were concealed well.
I sat down and turned it around
and I see a plain 89%.
Well, I was happy like ****.
That paper was hard.
Then I got the general ranking for the subject,
and mind you,
I'm top of the
And I got a sitting ovation,
by like 2-3 people.
Haha, thanks guys.

I went to the library to see my teacher later on.
We went through my paper to take a look at my mistakes.
And my 89 to boosted up to 91%.
Now I'm high.
THANK YOU JACKIE (love sign) !
(I can't actually make the love emoticon
because the system would interpret the symbol
as part of its HTML coding.)

Fifth Class : Applied Information Technology
Ray wasn't done marking it.
Great job, Ray....
You had 6 days to mark 6 papers.
And you're not done...
Oh well, 
because of my outstanding English score,
I forgive you....

I'm quite happy with my results.
All As.
If my IT ruins this straight A streak.
I think I'm going to kill something,
or even someone.
I'm serious.
When was the last time I got straight As ?
Primary 2 ?
Or maybe even Primary 1 ?
Oh wait,
Please Ray,
be nice...

Although with all the hours I put in,
I would've expected a little more.
An 80-85 for Chemistry and Physics
would've meant a lot to me.
Especially Chemistry.
But what can I say ?
Its an exam situation.
Gotta train yourself for these kind of things,
don't you ?

Report card is coming out next week.
According to my English teacher.
Hopefully, it comes with an ATAR prediction.

Listening to Starstruck - Christopher Wilde

Academically HIGH,


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