Tuesday, February 12, 2013


My lunch.
Roasted Beef with Gravy and Veges.
Costed $7 (RM23 WTF)
At least she was VERY generous with the veges.
Maybe it's 'cuz she saw how much of a stick I am.
But veges aren't gonna HELP !

The homework has arrived !
Lotsa 'em.

Still trying to be a good boy here.
Study ahead of the teacher and always finish your homework.
I've become quite industrious ever since school started,
even if I do say so myself =P

Well I DID waste almost 1 year (which I do NOT regret wasting)
studying Form 6 and stuff.
Right now, we're still at the basics.
So I'm doing quite well.
Not sure how it'll go as time slowly passes.

I'm sure you all know consistency is the key to studying
and getting good grades.
I just hope I can keep myself going for another 9 to 10 months
without crashing and burning.
Wouldn't be very nice to be left behind while
everyone else graduates and heads off to uni, would it ?

 Let's talk more about my subjects, shall we ?
Let's start with Math.
I think my teacher is sick.
And we got a substitute teacher instead.
I only remember her last name: Young.
She's 'nice'. I guess.
Kinda scary.
Quite scary.
I'm scared. Lol.
I was a chapter ahead of her class (told you I was hardworking !)
but I didn't understand the symbols the questions used so I asked her.
And she flashed her 'you've-been-a-bad-boy' and 'you-disobeyed-me' look.
I'm pretty sure I looked like a puny 7 year old kid getting ready
to get spanked by his mom or something.
Then she told me to do some more worksheets she printed out.
Still occupied with those.

Next let's talk Chemistry.
Because when I think Chemistry,
I think of Mr Goh and friends.
My Chemist teacher is a guy, quite old too. I think.
Name's Chris Kolom--8(&^(*^.
Just call him Chris.
He's great.
He's my strictest teacher so far.
And by strict, I don't mean
"Memorize all the bond angles in 10 minutes or else I'll whack you"
Kind of strict.
But he's quite loud, straightforward, serious-looking kind of guy.
So far, it's really paid off.
Chemistry really got easier.
Then again, we're still at atomic structures so maybe not.

My Physics teacher, Eric
is the COMPLETE opposite of Chris.
He's much older.
And kinda looks like Jay from Modern Family.
He's super nice and stuff.
Unfortunately, he's also pretty forgetful of stuff
like homework and what time our class ends.
But he takes things nice and slow.
In fact, I fall asleep easiest during his classes.
It's just SOOOO nice being in an air-conditioned lecture hall
with only 10 other students inside.
While you listen to your Physics lecturer talk about Vectors and Measurements
which you have already grinded through in your previous years.

Almost finish....
My English as a Second Language teacher, Jacqueline.
She told us to call her Jacki(e).
She's funny.
But only 'cuz we're in EALD class.
She often makes jokes and stuff about our lessons.
And her tone makes it believably funny too !
Her classes are fun. And small too.
Less than 10 people.
And here comes the (semi) bad part.
For our Literature component, we have to read a book called Unpolished Gem.
It's about migrants coming to Aussie in the 70's.
Did I mention everything in this class has to do with culture and Australians
and you get the idea.
I feel that it's a bit of a brainwashing class. Haha.
Feels so philosophical too !
Can you believe she told us to dissect the title of the book
"Alice Pung - Unpolished Gem"
and talked about 4 measly words for 30 minutes !
And now I have to finish reading 100 pages this week.

Last but not least, Applied Information Technology !
If you were hell-bent on becoming an Engineer,
you would've chose Maths SPECIALIST for your final subject.
But I'm not smart, and I'm no engineer (yet ?).
Remember how I said I wanted to take Chinese but
couldn't because no one was taking it ?
Well I guess AIT is better.
I mean in terms of workload, AIT feels a little more stress-free
and explores creativity more.
(First Assignment : Autobiography in Powerpoint ! ACED IT !)
Right now, this class is my stress-relief class.
I can't imagine my life if I took another 'important' subject like Maths S.
But this is soooo typical TK to totally disregard the existence
of a fifth subject (just like how I ignored Maths T last year).
Oh well, can't be helped.
My motivations are only as high as I make them right ?

And Viola ! All my teachers in this new school.
Really. I didn't know what to blog about so I decided to write about my teachers.
Now that I think of it, it does sound lame right ?
Oh well, at least it was written by Yours Truly, right ?
See you REAL SOON !

Listening to Don't Dream It's Over - Glee
Exhausted as Always,


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