Oh, finally space to update ! I swear my schedule is totAlly packed nowadays, I remember during Form 3, I could stay after school and help at the library....Come to think of it, homework never really crossed my mind last year, except those damn projects, both Geo and Sej projects made me burn the midnight oil + FART...= Atomic Explosion...Woshhhhhhh NO MORE HOMEWORK...Ok, back to the real world...Here's a list of my UNDONE homework (Note one of these should take about 1 WHOLE hour):
-History Workbook
-English Aticle
-Malay Essay
-Bio Notes
-History Notes (Just gonna photocopy it from Huang)
-Malay Oral Test
-Maths Homework
Quite a stack, then I still have to go for my haircut, go to Suria for outing, go to tonight's Band Concert (thank goodness Vyon stopped me from volunteering or else I'd be dead by now)...And visit my cousin that came back from KL and do not know when is she leaving which is anytime now....
It's like 4pm now, and I haven't started with any of my homework...It would be soooooo much easier if a week has 5 days of school and 3 days of holiday...Then everything wouldn't be crammed like right now...OKOKOKOK Determine to Study time: (that reminds me, exam is coming soon) I have to finish my Maths Homework, English Article, Malay Oral, History Notes today...Then I'll rush my Sejarah Workbook, Bio Notes and Malay Essay tomorrow, damn that essay take like 100 min to finish (with breaks of course)...Guess I better get ready now...Below are some pics I took weeks ago...
Yeo and Tricia
Yeo and Eugene (use your imagination)
Nic took this =.=
NOTE: Now it's about 12 midnight....GREAT concert ! Very ummm....creative I guess, though flaws came in here and there but it's a chance game so you can't always win right ? Manage to finish my agenda for today so I gotta rush my homework tomorrow. No disturbing, K ?
Still have some UN uploaded photos...And there is this Glee Club in our school (yup, it's those official clubs with Cikgu Vera as their advisor), and I heard it's gettin' a pretty good reception even though it was only established about a week ago...They take in singers, dancers, performers and instrumental players. Heck, there's already 4 pianist that's in our class (Crystel, Khalimah, Evan and Jabraan) Evan's the pengerusi and Sonia is the naib...I didn't join though, but they wanted me too (Sonia said I played well during last year's After PMR Choir Competition) but I generously (I hope...) rejected their offer, stating that I can't betray my club now. I still hope we can become two mutual clubs and help out each other, maybe during next year's Installation Night and IU Day if possible ^.^ Anyways, I'm talking too much and I wanna finish my Maths and English and go straight to bed so GOOD NIGHT !
-History Workbook
-English Aticle
-Malay Essay
-Bio Notes
-History Notes (Just gonna photocopy it from Huang)
-Malay Oral Test
-Maths Homework
Quite a stack, then I still have to go for my haircut, go to Suria for outing, go to tonight's Band Concert (thank goodness Vyon stopped me from volunteering or else I'd be dead by now)...And visit my cousin that came back from KL and do not know when is she leaving which is anytime now....
It's like 4pm now, and I haven't started with any of my homework...It would be soooooo much easier if a week has 5 days of school and 3 days of holiday...Then everything wouldn't be crammed like right now...OKOKOKOK Determine to Study time: (that reminds me, exam is coming soon) I have to finish my Maths Homework, English Article, Malay Oral, History Notes today...Then I'll rush my Sejarah Workbook, Bio Notes and Malay Essay tomorrow, damn that essay take like 100 min to finish (with breaks of course)...Guess I better get ready now...Below are some pics I took weeks ago...
NOTE: Now it's about 12 midnight....GREAT concert ! Very ummm....creative I guess, though flaws came in here and there but it's a chance game so you can't always win right ? Manage to finish my agenda for today so I gotta rush my homework tomorrow. No disturbing, K ?
Still have some UN uploaded photos...And there is this Glee Club in our school (yup, it's those official clubs with Cikgu Vera as their advisor), and I heard it's gettin' a pretty good reception even though it was only established about a week ago...They take in singers, dancers, performers and instrumental players. Heck, there's already 4 pianist that's in our class (Crystel, Khalimah, Evan and Jabraan) Evan's the pengerusi and Sonia is the naib...I didn't join though, but they wanted me too (Sonia said I played well during last year's After PMR Choir Competition) but I generously (I hope...) rejected their offer, stating that I can't betray my club now. I still hope we can become two mutual clubs and help out each other, maybe during next year's Installation Night and IU Day if possible ^.^ Anyways, I'm talking too much and I wanna finish my Maths and English and go straight to bed so GOOD NIGHT !
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