My My !!! How long was I gone again ??? 3 weeks ! I've been counting XP Miss me ? (talking to air)...Anyways, wanna make a big splash post for Sports Day !!! (by the way, Nana, I see you've finally noticed after randomly browsing through my C-box ^.^ )
Of course, Hari Sukan KKHS is sOOOOO important for me ! I would be caught dead not blogging about it (*ahem* the last 3 years ?) Don't ask...LONG STORY...Anyways, how would I synchronize and make myself useful with the now-in-green-team-aka-milo-agent me ? How should I know...
Anyways, you all know I can't walk away from perbarisan XP Actually I wanted to teach this year but y'know, still Form 4 (STILL ???) so I got no reason to argue with the people on top of me (Form 5) and BOY are they A LOT of them !!! Most of them are first timers too (Hello ? First timer teach me ?) No offense to anyone though, but I find it a TINSY WINSY laughable. Not the "Muhahaha" kind of laugh but those that are a bit softer. No ! not the girly type of soft laughter, it's like those sounds you make after you choke on a lizard or something like that.
Before all of this commotion, I was actually placed in 4 Dinamik for you info. I was soooooo totally GLAD 'cuz LJB, Aliza, Jeag Man, FF, WSL, Aubrey are ALLLLLLLLLL there. The teachers are GREAT !!!! too...Teacher Claire is our class teacher, her first entrance was like yelling at us to behave during Form 4 but since I sat in front (Next to Aubrey) I quickly "impressed" her with my variety of floating dragonflies (You put the head on your finger and the rest our it's body will just float) and then...and then....and then....GAWD I CAN'T CONTINUE !!! T.T It's just too sad...Not to mention our BM teacher also VERY nice. The funny part is, since I sat at the front I can hear her giggling everytime a student makes funny mistake in his/her karangan.
Then that fateful Friday arrived, lots of students requested to go in and out of 4 Dinamik and I even heard on Thursday that they're gonna make it half Science and half Art Stream so me and Aubrey started to panicked. Aubrey wanted to change to 4C (4B full) but decided to change her mind (See !!!! 4D is THAT GOOD), even though she got like 5As in her PMR. Yep, she's THAT smart ^.^....Friday morning, we saw students packing their bags, getting ready to move to other classes, I glue-ed myself to my chair so I won't be going ANYWHERE.
Then Cikgu Claire came in and said "Ehh Tam Kang how come you switch class ?*sad tone* Kamu dipindah ke 4A."
"Kamu juga Aubrey..."
We were both like FROZEN-SOLID (I'm pretty sure we're all SOLID at that time) So we sadly packed our stuff...HAIZ....I felt like crying, but you know, I'm also angry at the school at the same time so it's hard to cry XP
After hearing Chinese is gonna be compulsory in Dinamik (which was later proven to be false), EVERYONE wanted to move out of it, except those who are OK with this choice. Crystal ended up in my class too after hearing this Mandatory Chinese Rumor and sits next to me now. Seriously, the class is not bad but 4D would've been MUCH WAYYYYY more BETTER...OK that's that. Next order of complaint.
I know lots of people already know, especially those who are and were in Science Stream, that PJK teacher is like HELL !!! One time he didn't even come to school making the entire class wait (not 4A) and for our class, we went searching (he told us to)for him all around the school only to find him in the canteen having breakfast and not even noticing us.(WTF Man !) I hear Abby and J.Marie complain ALOT about him since he de-merit 15 marks from them in like 1 class... How to stay alive with this teacher ? I also hear he doesn't like PJK. Izzit true ???
Ahhh, yessss...The form 4 life !!! It's kinda hard for me now but mainly because I have perbarisan practice every afternoon and no time for my homework at night (Tuition) so I hope things get better after this, still I can't wait for next year's Sports Day. But now I know how much you Form 5 students must've felt when you have to attend and teach perbarisan everyday together with homework and tuition to juggle. (But seriously, marching while you juggle your tuition work book and homework is just impossible). But it's only because of this problem that I can't find enough time to blog these 3 weeks (Yup I've been counting. Or was it 4 weeks ???)
My life isn't shining as bright as last year, the fact that I get the sit in the front of the class and our Class Teacher is teaching English almost made the whole class perfect. It's just like last year when I was sitting SECOND from the front and our class teacher is teaching English (Cikgu Zahirah)...I think I communicate WAYYYYYYY better with English teachers than other teachers ^.^ I forgot to mention, 4D USED to be full of SMART people. The class was fairly quiet (but of course when no teacher come in SURE BISING LAH) but still....I can't stop thinking about those 4 days of Eden.
Anyways, about Sports Day, we had our's in Stadium Penampang 'cuz the school field (Almost called that wasteland a stadium) was under construction, we're gonna get a super high-tech new field ! (Still not stadium)...And when someone mentions the word high-tech, you think of 100% metal technology...HAHAHA (Don't get your hopes so high up). My whole family was like "HUH ? Where is that ???" I was clueless too....But Shiau Chean let me go for a special raptai on the day before the actual hari sukan raptai. SOOOO HAPPY but I was mistaken (School hours raptai in Stadium Penampang for those who are atlets. Perbarisan go after school...z...zzzz.....Well at least I get to ponteng the last 2 periods of English to go down for a meeting before we depart.
Every rumah sukan has to send 12 representatives (recommended amount) for each rumah sukan that makes a total of 72 people plus 5++ teachers. 2 bus prepared, but I see Red and Yellow team arrived early and got the AIR CONDITIONED BUS !!! While Blue, Green, Purple and Orange all ram into the last bus. People were like constantly standing. Actually only blue, green, and purple manage to get in. But halfway, we suddenly saw Orange House chasing us...^.^ Too bad they had to stand, including ShnWei's cousin Summerin.
When we came back, Goh started giving instructions which was REALLY FUNNY. Like when the drum stop everyone has to stop marching, so he tried to imitate the drums and it was kinda hilarious. I was still day dreaming at the back so I couldn't hear it very clearly. Anyways, I can't believe I got promoted from a normal ahli standing at the back to a person who holds a FLAG !!! the back....^.^ Can't blame me for being TALL ^.^ Anyways here's some pictures....
"I guess no one showed up..."
"I guess someone DID show up..."
"Oh look. More people...."
KJS !!! Sweet smile !
Ananda (A MUST to get a photo of him everytime I bring my camera to school)
This one is a bit awkward...(Don't tell him)
A bunch of random people, guess who's holding the green flag (so not ME, I'm taking the photo)
Poor Lun Tai need stand in the bus...
Same goes to Summerin...
This photo of Franson really looks like Jordan (Jordan's face is slightly more ROUND)(NO OFFENCE)
Finally LJB is willing to smile in a photo with me !!! I guess he misses me XP
Some chairs which the pengetua is gonna sit on (Wonder if it'll break ?)
Kadet Polis doing their marching routine...
Rumah Biru at the top left of the stadium.
Teachers WATCHING us.
Pancaragam also WATCHING something...(Not us anyways)
Haiz, was actually looking for my face in this photo until I realize I'm the one snapping the pics... T.T
Way back....Still crowded...
Goh lecturing about the actual day...
After practice, some people stay behind due to CONFUSION of uniform..
While some just wanted to TALK...
Someone tried to steal our to-be-flag stick. =<
Picture with Kok Neshiwa...Did she block my face on purpose ?
Our "share" of the new building is in a HUGE mess !
Yellow team's BANNER !!!
We're still with a stick here !!!
Blue team claimed they're gonna put this glitter-decorated, ice-cream-shaped cone on their heads (LIED !!!!)
Their glove which represents peace ???
LJB ! Made to make it fast before he BLOCKS !
TYY's voice is enough to fuel USA with noise during midnight.
Yellow Team looking SHARP !!!
Barry's in purple together with Kester.
Our multi-purpose Knives (It actually looks better in this pic)
Berhormat + Cut Forehead ???
Our theme is Peter Pan (but seriously this is perbarisan...)
Cha Chee still decorating Peter Pan.
Tinkerbell is DONE...(She DOES have a head y'know)
Cherral and gang being strict !!!
Red Team working on their love-themed shirts.
Purple team having a short briefing.
Lovely flag for the Purple Team, izzit a unicorn ?
Still talking (Wow, every team is still training but we already ended ours XP)
Followed Abby's car to the stadium 'cuz my mom lazy to find out about the location. Anyways, had to meet up with the rest of the green team perbarisan gang, was kinda thrilled to be able to do an actual practice but who knew we only go out there at like 11am...That's still 4 hours of waiting to go so we all sat there....and rot...
We manage to sync with other teams for a tinsy winsy training session but y'know the car park is sooo small and the stalls are located their so we can't really rotate our strategy much...Like after 10 minutes everyone just flew back up to the stadium. I had a tummy ache :( Good thing, Chai Yun got bring like LOTS of tissue !!! ^,^ Thx SOOOOO MUCHHHHH....I would've exploded if it weren't for you. Then we wait...They wanted to borrow my camera for a while to mess around. Picture below. The shadow one and the one with shoes. NOTHING TO DOOOOOOOOOOOOO........ Good thing Vyon came with AudreyS (plural form) and we "talk", y'know Sephiroth (Audrey C, she likes that name) has SOOOOOOOO many Japanese songs in her phone and I want them ALLLLLL but only managed to blue-tooth 3 of them. When I was searching for other devices via bluetooth, they were like lots of people on-ing their bluetooth and some of them have funny names, Vyon's was kinda embarrassing, Sephy has her's called "Sephiroth Heartless Angel" in a funny font, and lots of other stuff like "You can't see me"...Lol, ironically, it's true, I can't see him 'cuz I dunno who is he.
Finally time to get in the spotlight, or more like SUNLIGHT at 11am (condition: SCORCHING) oh what if a solar flare suddenly jump out of the SUN and ambush this stadium...DEAD XD When we finally finish the raptai, they said we have to do it again...I know I've been asked to be entertained, but not this often, I was like panting. And the worse part is I'm standing at the back alone, no one next to me, and everyone who see me was like "HUH, what's with your weird hand gesture or wateva"...Ya it's kinda true 'cuz Goh told me to "act" like I'm holding the flag. And the worse undeniable part was that everyone say I "tuo bei" which means my back is not straight. Yik Jia say I walk like Pink Panther...=.= Oh the irony, FWL even snapped a photo of me and my back really was bended (not to the point pink panther. Thank you very much) I really have to sharpen up from now on !!!
After the 2nd raptai, I was REALLLLYYYY exhausted ! Thanks Adeline for treating the whole team to 100 PLus (just drink from 2 huge bottles)....YUMMY, had my 2nd tummy ache...T.T Why does this keep happening ...Izzit 'cuz I ate something bad or am I just being dramatic ? Anyways, it's about 12pm and we still had to wait sampai 4pm. so we all prepared for boredom. Khoo wanted to listen to my phone, I listened to Audrey's, Edward fell asleep in a pose which we ALL thought is REALLY adorable, Franson drank like 5 cups of ABC (he just keeps buying and buying !!!), Xing Si and Amy shared a phone, Vyon talked with Goh and me and that's pretty much it. At the end of the day, even Cikgu Rosie said my back wasn't straight !!! AHHHHHHH, did some hardcore back straightening in tuition that night.
Us rotting in the SUN...
A random shot...Wonder what is Edward smiling at ???
Mengambil Kehadiran
Me and Goh !!! Our beloved Komando
Another random photo...
The "fake" side of our pretty sign.
Early practice. I manage to skip out on a little and snap this pic.
Snapped this one too...I'm pretty sure Felicia purposely blocked on the last photo.
This is what happen if I lend people my camera.
I wonder who are those weird people ???
The "pretty" side of our sign but still empty.
Everyone rotting, Edward talking to Xin Si and Amy, Franson falling asleep and Khoo just looked directly at me ???
Even the pancaragam is bored...
Red Team no different.
Even the AJK decided to slack and got nothing to do !!!
Audrey's Eyes look disturbing but did you realize they're 2 Audreys in this photo ?
Yong Wai Kit sitting innocently.
Too fast for Khoo to block...
Double Photo-Shoot. Like looking into the mirror.
Edward taking a nap.
Franson taking a nap too only in a more matured and serious pose.
See what I mean ?
I just thought of the dirtiest thing possible after snapping this pic.
Adeline getting kinda high...
I wish I brought my earphone T.T 1 whole day bring phone for nothing.
See...I'm sooooo bored....
Someone looks confident on the other hand.
Shiau Chian blocks...Well not completely though.
Time to go home ~~
Hari Sukan (FINAL DAY)
Yosh !!! Last day, do better sikit !!! AHHHH wake up at 5am 'cuz I couldn't wait, yay exciting who's gonna win dis year !!! Reach there at like 5.40am where it was still pitch black and I was among the few first to arrive, the rest came at about 6. I wore my Hang Ten white shirt 'cuz they asked for a white shirt. And then I put on my Peter Pan "uniform" then my belt. I wore a black adidas short pants with multiple white stripes. Then they suddenly said they had to cut off the chest portion of my white shirt (I guess I haven't been paying attention to their briefing sessions) I was like WTF, it's an expensive shirt and it's like 6 something, I called mom who is now is Jakarta PRAYING she'll pick up the phone and she did, thank GOD !!! She said it's ok to cut it off 'cuz it's an old shirt and not that expensive (this is the only sentence she said which gave a reference to how "cheap" the shirt is. Besides the bottom part is abit stained already. THANK YOU MOMMY YOU SAVED MY HIDE....Of course, I could just take the white shirt off and just wear the green shirt since I needed to tuck in and they can't see white anywhere. But seriously we all have to wear that Peter Pan outfit makes things kinda laughable especially for other people. When the teachers called us down to tick our names with the form teacher everyone was like "AHHHHHH I'm not going down there dressed like this...." How can I be proud of such clothing (excluding during the actual competition). Plus everyone in the Green Team perbarisan wore this except Yong Wai Kit and Franson 'cuz they were carrying banners instead. Me and Edward ( Holding Flag) had no exceptions XP The banner-carriers were wearing long-sleeve plain collared shirt with black long pants and shoes. So you can say our theme is Peter Pans and the 2 Waiters. LOL not to mention Felicia dressed up really HOT (don't get any wrong thoughts) but her tinkerbell impression was pretty good, sleeveless dress thingy, short black pants, furry pink and white shoes with a necklace on her forehead (this just doesn't match the theme but IT'S PRETTY and SHINY) lastly covered in glitter. And she's only Form 3 LOL...
My bendera was finally ready, after doing a very ngong immitation for like 3 days in front of lots of people, I finally get my flag. Which is a picture of Peter Pan and writes "Peter Pan"....Sometimes I think people get too obsessed with themes. But I can't blame them though so long as we win. No hats for us anyway, but they spam green glitter on our heads like CRAZY !!! It was kinda ummm....CRAZY ? Anyways, the marching began and ended and all the rumah sukan gathered for a photo session. And I bumped into you, MElia. Long time no see, I can't believe you never came back to the school after that day. You traitor, and why didn't you bring NANA with you T.T Lol, no point crying about that, anyways we exchanged embarrassing pics of each other ^.^
After that we waited PATIENTLY for the results to come out, we were all called to go SIT on the field together with everyone. I left my camera and phone in my bag so no photo 'cuz I thought we actually have to MARCH even more (GAK) I got front row seats (on the ground) 'cuz I was a pembawa bendera and that means I have to hold the flag in front. No biggie, it's an HONOR!!!! to be in the front.
Green team won 1st place for Merentas Desa. Me, Edward and Yong Wai Kit (boo hoo Franson, why didn't you go too T.T) went to claim our prize, LOL Wai Kit stood there while he gave me his banner, it's hard holding a banner and flag at the same time and I bang into TYY's flag a few times too 'cuz it's TOUGH to hold two things at once. Then Green Team won second place for Perbarisan...WOOOHOOOOOO it's great considering the previous Green Team perbarisan Losing Streak. And I'm kinda shocked, Yellow Team got 3rd place with Ah Yap and Luther as captain. and Purple Team didn't win a thing (Sorry to bring it down on you CSY and Melia. But you hardwork was in vain) the Ungu "U" formation (compliments from CSY) didn't impress the judges ? Even from aerial view ? Maybe it's their uniform ? Sadly (and ironically for no apparent reason) Blue Team got Number 1, felt like a hot butter knife just stabbed through my chest (well my chest portion IS exposed at that time due to the uniform readjustments). More importantly LJB WON ??? Lol congratz with a touch of bitter chocolate to you guys ^.^
I think you guyz won 'cuz you used foreign materials during the marching a.k.a birds (people told me but I didn't see 'cuz they were behind green team) but I guess able to impress the judges with that took alot of Synchronizing. Thanks Melia for saying the Green Team could win costume-wise. Anyways, overall BLUE STILL GOT 1st (a butcher knife stabs me this time) and Green got second while orange got 3rd. In the sports department, I'm pretty sure i think Green got 3rd and Orange got 2nd but due to being 1st in Merentas Desa and 2nd in perbarisan we managed to boost our ranking YAYAYAY !!!! I'm pretty sure green is the only team who got 1 prize from every competition. ^.^ Proud of it, just like last year 3K ...
It will be tough to be number 2 or even number 1 next year...We'll see how the Merentas Desa next year and how our atlets next year turn out to be. And I'll finally be AJK next year (WHOOOOPYYYY it's about time) time for you to beg for my everlasting guidance ^.^
When I arrived , camera records it as 5:51am.
6:10 am
Everyone getting ready for their very exposed marching uniforms
1 more photo with Goh, you can see 1/10 of my face on the right side of the pic.
Chai Yun BUSY with decorations.
I do NOT know what he's doing.
Me still in prime condition, you can see my neck is all BONES...
This is after the marching event, everyone relaxed.
MELIAAAAAAAAAAA !!!!! (Why didn't you come Nana T.T)
Blue House with their Statue of Liberty+Peace+Freedom theme
Yellow House with their Shooting Star+Gold Theme
GREEEEEENNNNN HOUUUSEEEEE with our Peter Pan and Tinkerbell theme !!!
Finally he's willing to take a photo ^.^
Me being really exhausted, can't you tell by the sweat ?
Now all we can do is ???
Red Team's Love Themed Shirt.
Everyone Chattin...And happy...
The Glitter in my hair !!!
Time to relax with some music...
Notice the guy in green holding our flag in the field ?
Cheerleading led by our super hyper active Green House teacher !!!
Race obviously...

I spy KJS ~
Cheering like GILA...
Is that Erine ??? I'm not sure...
They look like ants to me...
Wanted to buy but better not spoil myself.
Yay PRIZES with a hand ?
Oh ya WE ROCK !
Prize PLUS trophy...We rock even more ...
Field all cleared up and ready to go home.
We can't just leave this here can we ?
Ahem kinda shy ^.^
With Xin Si, look at the glitter below her neck...
And now for something calm and settle...3 piano pieces by yours truly, I would've uploaded more but I guess I haven't practiced some of them in quite a while so I've gotten abit (VERY) rusty and so is my piano T.T Anyways, I'm gonna show you Sign, Yawarakana Jikan and Aerith Theme..
Sign is played by Flow and is the 6th Naruto Shippuden Theme, I think this is the best one so far and lots of people LUV it, I recently found the appropriate piano version but still haven't printed it out so you'll have to bear with this version, note the left hand is all CHORDs babe...
NExt we have Yawa...bla bla bla Jikan which I played for the Christmas Party at my teacher's place. Wanted to play this together with Yam....blablabla Ame but that one is kinda tricky, not hard, just tricky.
And lastly the famous Aerith's Theme from Final Fantasy 7, the beginning sounds kinda weird though and it's kinda like a simplified version so FF7 lovers will probably flame me. These videos are not avaliable on You Tube I guess 'cuz I made them private. But I guess Nana really wanna watch it XP.
Well I'm pretty sure I'll have more done. in due time but now it's time to do my homework rushing and I probably won't be online on weekdays anymore unless there's a public holiday or something like that. Anyways, might blog tomorrow night so until then, I'll be snoozing ^.^
Of course, Hari Sukan KKHS is sOOOOO important for me ! I would be caught dead not blogging about it (*ahem* the last 3 years ?) Don't ask...LONG STORY...Anyways, how would I synchronize and make myself useful with the now-in-green-team-aka-milo-agent me ? How should I know...
Anyways, you all know I can't walk away from perbarisan XP Actually I wanted to teach this year but y'know, still Form 4 (STILL ???) so I got no reason to argue with the people on top of me (Form 5) and BOY are they A LOT of them !!! Most of them are first timers too (Hello ? First timer teach me ?) No offense to anyone though, but I find it a TINSY WINSY laughable. Not the "Muhahaha" kind of laugh but those that are a bit softer. No ! not the girly type of soft laughter, it's like those sounds you make after you choke on a lizard or something like that.
Before all of this commotion, I was actually placed in 4 Dinamik for you info. I was soooooo totally GLAD 'cuz LJB, Aliza, Jeag Man, FF, WSL, Aubrey are ALLLLLLLLLL there. The teachers are GREAT !!!! too...Teacher Claire is our class teacher, her first entrance was like yelling at us to behave during Form 4 but since I sat in front (Next to Aubrey) I quickly "impressed" her with my variety of floating dragonflies (You put the head on your finger and the rest our it's body will just float) and then...and then....and then....GAWD I CAN'T CONTINUE !!! T.T It's just too sad...Not to mention our BM teacher also VERY nice. The funny part is, since I sat at the front I can hear her giggling everytime a student makes funny mistake in his/her karangan.
Then that fateful Friday arrived, lots of students requested to go in and out of 4 Dinamik and I even heard on Thursday that they're gonna make it half Science and half Art Stream so me and Aubrey started to panicked. Aubrey wanted to change to 4C (4B full) but decided to change her mind (See !!!! 4D is THAT GOOD), even though she got like 5As in her PMR. Yep, she's THAT smart ^.^....Friday morning, we saw students packing their bags, getting ready to move to other classes, I glue-ed myself to my chair so I won't be going ANYWHERE.
Then Cikgu Claire came in and said "Ehh Tam Kang how come you switch class ?*sad tone* Kamu dipindah ke 4A."
"Kamu juga Aubrey..."
We were both like FROZEN-SOLID (I'm pretty sure we're all SOLID at that time) So we sadly packed our stuff...HAIZ....I felt like crying, but you know, I'm also angry at the school at the same time so it's hard to cry XP
After hearing Chinese is gonna be compulsory in Dinamik (which was later proven to be false), EVERYONE wanted to move out of it, except those who are OK with this choice. Crystal ended up in my class too after hearing this Mandatory Chinese Rumor and sits next to me now. Seriously, the class is not bad but 4D would've been MUCH WAYYYYY more BETTER...OK that's that. Next order of complaint.
I know lots of people already know, especially those who are and were in Science Stream, that PJK teacher is like HELL !!! One time he didn't even come to school making the entire class wait (not 4A) and for our class, we went searching (he told us to)for him all around the school only to find him in the canteen having breakfast and not even noticing us.(WTF Man !) I hear Abby and J.Marie complain ALOT about him since he de-merit 15 marks from them in like 1 class... How to stay alive with this teacher ? I also hear he doesn't like PJK. Izzit true ???
Ahhh, yessss...The form 4 life !!! It's kinda hard for me now but mainly because I have perbarisan practice every afternoon and no time for my homework at night (Tuition) so I hope things get better after this, still I can't wait for next year's Sports Day. But now I know how much you Form 5 students must've felt when you have to attend and teach perbarisan everyday together with homework and tuition to juggle. (But seriously, marching while you juggle your tuition work book and homework is just impossible). But it's only because of this problem that I can't find enough time to blog these 3 weeks (Yup I've been counting. Or was it 4 weeks ???)
My life isn't shining as bright as last year, the fact that I get the sit in the front of the class and our Class Teacher is teaching English almost made the whole class perfect. It's just like last year when I was sitting SECOND from the front and our class teacher is teaching English (Cikgu Zahirah)...I think I communicate WAYYYYYYY better with English teachers than other teachers ^.^ I forgot to mention, 4D USED to be full of SMART people. The class was fairly quiet (but of course when no teacher come in SURE BISING LAH) but still....I can't stop thinking about those 4 days of Eden.
Anyways, about Sports Day, we had our's in Stadium Penampang 'cuz the school field (Almost called that wasteland a stadium) was under construction, we're gonna get a super high-tech new field ! (Still not stadium)...And when someone mentions the word high-tech, you think of 100% metal technology...HAHAHA (Don't get your hopes so high up). My whole family was like "HUH ? Where is that ???" I was clueless too....But Shiau Chean let me go for a special raptai on the day before the actual hari sukan raptai. SOOOO HAPPY but I was mistaken (School hours raptai in Stadium Penampang for those who are atlets. Perbarisan go after school...z...zzzz.....Well at least I get to ponteng the last 2 periods of English to go down for a meeting before we depart.
Every rumah sukan has to send 12 representatives (recommended amount) for each rumah sukan that makes a total of 72 people plus 5++ teachers. 2 bus prepared, but I see Red and Yellow team arrived early and got the AIR CONDITIONED BUS !!! While Blue, Green, Purple and Orange all ram into the last bus. People were like constantly standing. Actually only blue, green, and purple manage to get in. But halfway, we suddenly saw Orange House chasing us...^.^ Too bad they had to stand, including ShnWei's cousin Summerin.
When we came back, Goh started giving instructions which was REALLY FUNNY. Like when the drum stop everyone has to stop marching, so he tried to imitate the drums and it was kinda hilarious. I was still day dreaming at the back so I couldn't hear it very clearly. Anyways, I can't believe I got promoted from a normal ahli standing at the back to a person who holds a FLAG !!! the back....^.^ Can't blame me for being TALL ^.^ Anyways here's some pictures....
Followed Abby's car to the stadium 'cuz my mom lazy to find out about the location. Anyways, had to meet up with the rest of the green team perbarisan gang, was kinda thrilled to be able to do an actual practice but who knew we only go out there at like 11am...That's still 4 hours of waiting to go so we all sat there....and rot...
We manage to sync with other teams for a tinsy winsy training session but y'know the car park is sooo small and the stalls are located their so we can't really rotate our strategy much...Like after 10 minutes everyone just flew back up to the stadium. I had a tummy ache :( Good thing, Chai Yun got bring like LOTS of tissue !!! ^,^ Thx SOOOOO MUCHHHHH....I would've exploded if it weren't for you. Then we wait...They wanted to borrow my camera for a while to mess around. Picture below. The shadow one and the one with shoes. NOTHING TO DOOOOOOOOOOOOO........ Good thing Vyon came with AudreyS (plural form) and we "talk", y'know Sephiroth (Audrey C, she likes that name) has SOOOOOOOO many Japanese songs in her phone and I want them ALLLLLL but only managed to blue-tooth 3 of them. When I was searching for other devices via bluetooth, they were like lots of people on-ing their bluetooth and some of them have funny names, Vyon's was kinda embarrassing, Sephy has her's called "Sephiroth Heartless Angel" in a funny font, and lots of other stuff like "You can't see me"...Lol, ironically, it's true, I can't see him 'cuz I dunno who is he.
Finally time to get in the spotlight, or more like SUNLIGHT at 11am (condition: SCORCHING) oh what if a solar flare suddenly jump out of the SUN and ambush this stadium...DEAD XD When we finally finish the raptai, they said we have to do it again...I know I've been asked to be entertained, but not this often, I was like panting. And the worse part is I'm standing at the back alone, no one next to me, and everyone who see me was like "HUH, what's with your weird hand gesture or wateva"...Ya it's kinda true 'cuz Goh told me to "act" like I'm holding the flag. And the worse undeniable part was that everyone say I "tuo bei" which means my back is not straight. Yik Jia say I walk like Pink Panther...=.= Oh the irony, FWL even snapped a photo of me and my back really was bended (not to the point pink panther. Thank you very much) I really have to sharpen up from now on !!!
After the 2nd raptai, I was REALLLLYYYY exhausted ! Thanks Adeline for treating the whole team to 100 PLus (just drink from 2 huge bottles)....YUMMY, had my 2nd tummy ache...T.T Why does this keep happening ...Izzit 'cuz I ate something bad or am I just being dramatic ? Anyways, it's about 12pm and we still had to wait sampai 4pm. so we all prepared for boredom. Khoo wanted to listen to my phone, I listened to Audrey's, Edward fell asleep in a pose which we ALL thought is REALLY adorable, Franson drank like 5 cups of ABC (he just keeps buying and buying !!!), Xing Si and Amy shared a phone, Vyon talked with Goh and me and that's pretty much it. At the end of the day, even Cikgu Rosie said my back wasn't straight !!! AHHHHHHH, did some hardcore back straightening in tuition that night.
Hari Sukan (FINAL DAY)
Yosh !!! Last day, do better sikit !!! AHHHH wake up at 5am 'cuz I couldn't wait, yay exciting who's gonna win dis year !!! Reach there at like 5.40am where it was still pitch black and I was among the few first to arrive, the rest came at about 6. I wore my Hang Ten white shirt 'cuz they asked for a white shirt. And then I put on my Peter Pan "uniform" then my belt. I wore a black adidas short pants with multiple white stripes. Then they suddenly said they had to cut off the chest portion of my white shirt (I guess I haven't been paying attention to their briefing sessions) I was like WTF, it's an expensive shirt and it's like 6 something, I called mom who is now is Jakarta PRAYING she'll pick up the phone and she did, thank GOD !!! She said it's ok to cut it off 'cuz it's an old shirt and not that expensive (this is the only sentence she said which gave a reference to how "cheap" the shirt is. Besides the bottom part is abit stained already. THANK YOU MOMMY YOU SAVED MY HIDE....Of course, I could just take the white shirt off and just wear the green shirt since I needed to tuck in and they can't see white anywhere. But seriously we all have to wear that Peter Pan outfit makes things kinda laughable especially for other people. When the teachers called us down to tick our names with the form teacher everyone was like "AHHHHHH I'm not going down there dressed like this...." How can I be proud of such clothing (excluding during the actual competition). Plus everyone in the Green Team perbarisan wore this except Yong Wai Kit and Franson 'cuz they were carrying banners instead. Me and Edward ( Holding Flag) had no exceptions XP The banner-carriers were wearing long-sleeve plain collared shirt with black long pants and shoes. So you can say our theme is Peter Pans and the 2 Waiters. LOL not to mention Felicia dressed up really HOT (don't get any wrong thoughts) but her tinkerbell impression was pretty good, sleeveless dress thingy, short black pants, furry pink and white shoes with a necklace on her forehead (this just doesn't match the theme but IT'S PRETTY and SHINY) lastly covered in glitter. And she's only Form 3 LOL...
My bendera was finally ready, after doing a very ngong immitation for like 3 days in front of lots of people, I finally get my flag. Which is a picture of Peter Pan and writes "Peter Pan"....Sometimes I think people get too obsessed with themes. But I can't blame them though so long as we win. No hats for us anyway, but they spam green glitter on our heads like CRAZY !!! It was kinda ummm....CRAZY ? Anyways, the marching began and ended and all the rumah sukan gathered for a photo session. And I bumped into you, MElia. Long time no see, I can't believe you never came back to the school after that day. You traitor, and why didn't you bring NANA with you T.T Lol, no point crying about that, anyways we exchanged embarrassing pics of each other ^.^
After that we waited PATIENTLY for the results to come out, we were all called to go SIT on the field together with everyone. I left my camera and phone in my bag so no photo 'cuz I thought we actually have to MARCH even more (GAK) I got front row seats (on the ground) 'cuz I was a pembawa bendera and that means I have to hold the flag in front. No biggie, it's an HONOR!!!! to be in the front.
Green team won 1st place for Merentas Desa. Me, Edward and Yong Wai Kit (boo hoo Franson, why didn't you go too T.T) went to claim our prize, LOL Wai Kit stood there while he gave me his banner, it's hard holding a banner and flag at the same time and I bang into TYY's flag a few times too 'cuz it's TOUGH to hold two things at once. Then Green Team won second place for Perbarisan...WOOOHOOOOOO it's great considering the previous Green Team perbarisan Losing Streak. And I'm kinda shocked, Yellow Team got 3rd place with Ah Yap and Luther as captain. and Purple Team didn't win a thing (Sorry to bring it down on you CSY and Melia. But you hardwork was in vain) the Ungu "U" formation (compliments from CSY) didn't impress the judges ? Even from aerial view ? Maybe it's their uniform ? Sadly (and ironically for no apparent reason) Blue Team got Number 1, felt like a hot butter knife just stabbed through my chest (well my chest portion IS exposed at that time due to the uniform readjustments). More importantly LJB WON ??? Lol congratz with a touch of bitter chocolate to you guys ^.^
I think you guyz won 'cuz you used foreign materials during the marching a.k.a birds (people told me but I didn't see 'cuz they were behind green team) but I guess able to impress the judges with that took alot of Synchronizing. Thanks Melia for saying the Green Team could win costume-wise. Anyways, overall BLUE STILL GOT 1st (a butcher knife stabs me this time) and Green got second while orange got 3rd. In the sports department, I'm pretty sure i think Green got 3rd and Orange got 2nd but due to being 1st in Merentas Desa and 2nd in perbarisan we managed to boost our ranking YAYAYAY !!!! I'm pretty sure green is the only team who got 1 prize from every competition. ^.^ Proud of it, just like last year 3K ...
It will be tough to be number 2 or even number 1 next year...We'll see how the Merentas Desa next year and how our atlets next year turn out to be. And I'll finally be AJK next year (WHOOOOPYYYY it's about time) time for you to beg for my everlasting guidance ^.^
And now for something calm and settle...3 piano pieces by yours truly, I would've uploaded more but I guess I haven't practiced some of them in quite a while so I've gotten abit (VERY) rusty and so is my piano T.T Anyways, I'm gonna show you Sign, Yawarakana Jikan and Aerith Theme..
Sign is played by Flow and is the 6th Naruto Shippuden Theme, I think this is the best one so far and lots of people LUV it, I recently found the appropriate piano version but still haven't printed it out so you'll have to bear with this version, note the left hand is all CHORDs babe...
NExt we have Yawa...bla bla bla Jikan which I played for the Christmas Party at my teacher's place. Wanted to play this together with Yam....blablabla Ame but that one is kinda tricky, not hard, just tricky.
And lastly the famous Aerith's Theme from Final Fantasy 7, the beginning sounds kinda weird though and it's kinda like a simplified version so FF7 lovers will probably flame me. These videos are not avaliable on You Tube I guess 'cuz I made them
Well I'm pretty sure I'll have more done. in due time but now it's time to do my homework rushing and I probably won't be online on weekdays anymore unless there's a public holiday or something like that. Anyways, might blog tomorrow night so until then, I'll be snoozing ^.^
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