Monday, March 4, 2013

Wassup ! *talks to invisible air*
I ran out of things that I wanna talk about to talk about.
So I'm gonna tell you guys about the TV I watch here in Perth.
Please keep in mind
I'm an Internet person, not a TV.
I mean, why force yourself to keep a certain time slot free
for your fav TV show
when you can just watch it ONLINE whenever you want.

Therefore, I don't really watch shows like
How I Met Your Mother, Big Bang Theory, Simpsons.
bla bla bla.
The shows I watch are a little hard to come by on the Internet.
Australian shows.
Don't judge my taste, 'kay ?
I just watch what I (emphasis on the 'I') like (or think I like).
And I'm not exactly the free-est person on Earth.

Currently, I'm only watching TWO shows using a TV.
(Luv 'dat HD !)
The first is MKR (short for My Kitchen Rules)

also I am addicted to the Opening Theme they're using.
Best Nights by Justice Crew.
Currently, MKR is the highest viewed cooking reality show in Aussie.
Beating Masterchef with twice the audience.
Yes, I am bragging.
I just don't like Masterchef Professional.
I'd rather see normal housewives freak out at how much
they're dish is an epic fail.

Like I said, it's an Aussie show.
Not many people outside Aussie have heard of it.
Basically (in this Season), there are 2 groups.
Each group is represented by 1 team from each state.
1 Team comprised of 2 people from the state.
They must have something in common though.

Right now, I'm rooting for :

New South Wales childhood friends, Ashlee and Sophia.
They're the b*tches of the show.
Always criticising other team's dish.
Which is why I like them so much.
First, they're Asian.
Cambodian and Vietnamese.
Yeah I'm racist.
Sue me !
It's just so much fun watching 2 girls who talk bad about other team's
having trouble themselves with their dishes.
But in the end, they're quite capable.
They rank 2nd place in the first round
and have been safe from elimination so far.
I'm really surprised they could pull it off.

Apparently, the show has a habit of depicting Asians as villains.
Earlier in the show, New South Wales high school friends,
Jessie and Biswa we're extreme b*tches too.
Earning the nickname 'Spice Girls' from fans.
Thank God they got eliminated in the first round.
But we still have the other Asians.
No, I don't root for the Indian girls.
They were just too much....
even though I didn't watch their part of the show.
Wow, someone's being super racist today.

The next team I'm cheering on is Sam and Chris.
They're cousins from Victoria, Melbourne.
I never saw them cook until today.
But they didn't do so good.
Stuff happened. Stove ran out of gas and stuff.
They're in the RED ZONE.
But I still want them to win.
Reason ?


Seriously, all he needs are dimples.
And then he'll be perfect.
But he looked like he was gonna break down
and cry when the judges weren't happy with his dish.
Stupid Stove...

Gah I'm addicted to this show.
But I really hate it when someone loses.
Western Australia is on the losing end, by the way.
It's so sad to see people leave the show.
One of the team, Lisa and Stefano got eliminated last week too.
Lisa is 40, Stefano is 32.
+1 Cougar (there's another cougar still in the show)
What made it so sad to see them lose is because Stefano did this.

Lisa practically freaked out when Stefano said he needed to do something
before they served the food.
Then he kneeled down.

and took out the ring
in front of all the teams.
And they all 'awww'-ed.
And then they lost.
Gah ! This is like a tragic ending after a hopeful climax.

The other show which I'm watching is Please Like Me.

I found it on the Entertainment segment of the Newspaper.
They only broadcasted their first episode.
There's 6 in total.
So I told myself 'Why Not ?'.
Still too early to judge how good is the show.
But I think it's interesting.
The main character, Josh (right),
is played by himself (Josh Thomas).

An Aussie comedian.
He's 25 playing a 20-year old version of himself.
I think the plot is also loosely based on his life.
I look forward to watching more tomorrow night.

I'll blog about something more interesting next time.
When I actually think of something more interesting to blog about.
Right now, I'm just stuffed with homework.
I probably blogged just to escape all the math equations.
I know my blogging sux,
but it's my blog so BACK OFF.
Yes I'm looking at you.
No, don't look behind you.
I mean YOU.
Everyone's a critic...

TO : You guys in Sabah, please be safe. I don't wanna waste my July tickets on going home to visit your graves... I NEED SOMEONE TO GO TO ZENQ WITH !
Cheers !

Listening to Best Night - Justice Crew

Stressed out with homework,


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