Saturday, March 19, 2011

Jump up with Glee

OMG I'm starting to get goosebumps with Glee...I "borrowed" 3 likeable episodes from my brother and now I can't stop watching it again and again AND AGAIN ! (did I mention again ?) Muhahaha Love Sue even though I think she's the biggest bit** I've ever seen ! (Big Nap Later) She's awesome that way :) I love how she goes berserk again and again ! HILARIOUS (destruction incarnate ! and ego maniac)... Anyways, holiday is almost (heck it's ALREADY over !) over ! No study is done whatsoever...

Powerpoint 95% done ^.^ and I got a copy of Life by Powerpoint which is a very long and boring guide about how to make effective presentations ! It's boring but it's perfect for a person like me. So far I have these things to cover after SPM:

  • Ummm...Project X which is a secret !
  • Life by Powerpoint
  • The Facebook Effect
  • Love over Coffee (unconfirmed)
For those of you wondering what the Facebook Effect is. It's a (also very thick) novel about how Facebook was created. It's more or less like the movie "The Social Network" only without the sex, drugs and other unhealthy things which might attract more teenage viewers :)  Love over Coffee is (what I assume) a romance novel about work and love and you know those typical stories where the make the main character choose one of them and lose the other one but in the end he manage to retain both of them because of a convenient plot twist ! Beside, coffee makes me crave for books even though I'll have to push it back until SPM is over. I saw it at Popular that day when I went shopping with Andre and Sophia. Felt interesting so I WANT IT.

While typing the above paragraph, I seem to talk as if I've overlooked or underestimated SPM as an easy obstacle...Well it isn't. Teacher even told my mom that I might fail so I'm pretty depressed and trying not to think about it :( Everyone's improving but I'm still standing at where I started at January.....LAsT YEAR....OK not gonna talk about that anymore now that I've got that thing off my chest. Agendas left this year until I can (try to) study in peace:

  • Planning for Installation Night
  • Planning for Inter School IU Day (if possible)
  • Library ! Oh boy. Retirement August to September
  • Green Team ? Not giving up until I get my PARTY !

 Oh yeah Glee likes to teach us "bad things". Getting pregnant, lying to your husband, Lots of fake cleavage, Being Gay (no offense to a certain girl) and using Slushies as a bullying tool....

She's awesome ! 

I wonder does the actor enjoy her role ? 

 The souvenir I got that day. Gonna remember it always. The heavenly hell I went true. I think I just regained (not that I had any before) my drive for Wushu :)

Teacher Lim and Yong's ping pong balls. They just let their children practice for hours !

  Ma Chi Di Di. Megan called him gay but I think a certain someone will say "He is unworthy of being gay :) !"

1 comment:

  1. oh yeah.i just gave your bro till ep17.ep18&19 ur bro said nah.i think.
