Sunday, March 23, 2014


It's officially been 4 weeks since uni's started.
And nothing exciting is happening.
Oh gosh.
Another boring year.

You pretty much KNOW how pathetic you are
when you take pleasure in staying at the library until ten.
Assignments are starting.
Group presentations.
Online quizzes etc.
(You know you're screwed when you have open book online quizzes…)

Oddly disappointing is the fact that,
I'm not doing so well in my core unit: Dynamic Planet.
Which worries me quite a little.
Because it's made me doubt whether Environmental Science is really my thing ?
I mean,
I literally picked it out of the course guide
'cuz the cover guy for that course looked pretty happy.
But I'll just stay and see how it goes.
Worst case scenario,
I switch to Conservation Biology in my second year.
And for that matter,
you know you're gonna have a hard time finding employment in Australia
when your major has the word "Biology" in it.
that applies to Science in general.
But I suppose it's rougher for Biology.

Here's a little something for all you stalkers who're slightly curious
on what I'm currently learning :

And I suppose that pretty much wraps my this blog post.
Kinda aimless though =P
I hope something exciting happens 0_0
Hmm…which reminds me,
what DID I blog about last year ?

P.S. Clubbing just ain't for me.
Drinking isn't my thing.
And neither is dancing/sweating on a crowded dance floor.

P.S.S I got a haircut from a new place. Definitely going back. =)

Listening to Pompeii - Peter Hollens

Nothing exciting,


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