Friday, April 2, 2010

Hilarious ain't my life...Family Reading Day...

OK, blogging time !!!

I'm still trying to cope with my homework nowadays, but I'm still lacking behind in my Add Maths...Seriously, I never even do my Add Maths 'cuz it's sooooo troublesome just to think for about an hour...ARGHHHHHH...But for the rest, I think everything is under control...Just fine...Curse you ADD MATHS....

This week was relatively FUNNY....First, something happened in Cikgu Yong's tuition... It was about Ananda's lost exercise book ?

Ananda: OMG, wheres my exercise book ??!!!
Tam Kang: HEHEHE (evil laugh)(trying to attract his attention)
Ananda: you took it...
Tam Kang: Why would you say that ?
Ananda: 'Cuz you laugh...
Everyone: *stares at Ananda*

And then on Tuesday, ummm....(this is NOT considered as GANGGUAN SEKSUAL) FF's butt....ummmm....kena cucuk by Eugene (I think) toy knife...Then his like FRONT part of the pants got...ummm...lubang....*ahem* can a toy knife create a hole ??? and doesn't it hurt ? I mean it just pierced through his pants....

And then my friend's sister found my friend's CD hot after coming out the CD player...So she wanted to cool it down so she placed it into the fridge....=.= Ummm...she's just 7 years all.

OK that WAS some pretty messed up stuff...Especially the second incident...OH THANK GOD he doesn't read my blog...(come to think of it, he doesn't even on FB much either) Well, he IS addicted to badminton...Saw a cute shuttlecock keychaiun that day during my outing at Center Point and thought it would make a sweet birthday present for him this year, since last year I gave him a box of Kit Katz Bitz...

Overall, I got number 19 in my class even though I fail like 3 subjects, but my Bm is above 55% so I am entitled to a kedudukan in class, YAY, only about 28 people got a kedudukan, well what did I expect ? I AM in 4A....But I feel somewhat unsatisfied 'cuz Crystal got like Number 17 and I got 19, right below me in 20 is Ronny (well, that was close, I don't wanna lose to TOO many people now do I ?)...Boohooo, Ananda got like number 8, I almost PENGSAN !!!! But last year I beat him to number 1, but I guess his superiority in Add MAths and normal Maths has beaten me to the bone...And the Sejarah this time was easy go he couldn't fail so easily...Not to mention, he PASS his Account and his Chemistry (only 17 in my class pass) so I can say he's gotten pretty smart and all...T.T Oh !!! Time to get serious...

Updating my blog in Charissa's house now 'cuz today is her birthday and I brought Crystal along with me, 'cuz we were working on a Microsoft Powerpoint presentation for a contest and it's due next Wednesday...If nothing changes, then there should be about 3 teams (including us) participating in the contest, so I guess we'll win no matter how badly we've done...^.^

Still have like 3 pages of Add Maths and Maths homework, 2 Bio Peka and 1 Physics Peka to work on...not to mention my weekly unfinished homework that I never have a chance to work on...And now some girl is like staring at me....and she keeps saying "HI". Which I think she's trying to get me to greet her...

Oh well, I guess I typed too much again....!!!!!!!!!!!

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