Sunday, December 30, 2012


I know you're a very impatient person.
And you don't usually take advice very well.
Especially from strangers.
But just read this (because you LOVE reading blogs)
because it'll save you lotsa trouble next year.

First of all, stop worrying about PLKN.
It's really fun (y'know if you're masochistic and all, which I know you are !) !
You won't feel it at first, but you'll miss everyone back home.
Don't cry too much.
And don't phone Mom too much because everyone is eavesdropping on you.

Just be yourself and you'll have lots of friends.
It's true.
Think you're the only one who likes anime ?
Nope !
Heck, there's even a cosplayer in your camp ! (Good luck finding her)
Fun things will happen.
And you'll definitely wanna stay there a little longer.
Oh and try to cry on the last day.
You'll look awkward in the crowd of guys if you don't.

After you come back, don't waste your time.
You'll have better results than you expected (Sadly, you won't get an A for Physics...Sorry) !
Well, only slightly better.
After than,
But please control your gamer's instincts.
Try going to the gym once in a while so you don't waste your membership.
Other than that, you can do whatever you want for those 2 months.

Please be a little more humble when you get into Form 6.
Those new students are NOT LC.
And you are NOT smarter than them.
True Story.
If Aud gets suspicious about your little secret, just tell her.
And make sure she swears not to tell anyone.
You'll have a blast with her ! Trust me...again.

Now I'm gonna give you some bad news.
You're a natural DISASTER at Maths.
Even so, please try as hard as you can.
DO NOT use Australia as an excuse to neglect Maths.
DO NOT use Physics and Chemistry and (ESPECIALLY) P.Am as an excuse to neglect Maths.
Just do it...even if it's just a little.

For your weekly MUET homework, try to pass it up on time.
You're actually pissing your MUET teacher off.
And don't put too much effort into your presentation work.
People are think it's boring.
Green Tech suits you though.

And don't try to become so involved in Prom Night.
You'll regret it, for sure.
Before you know it, you're going to have 5+ responsibilities to juggle around.
And believe me, you WON'T COPE.
But well at least you get to dance and Gangnam Style.
Don't ask what's Gangnam Style. Just wait and listen.

There is ONE thing I must warn you about:
It's not really the prettiest thing you'll hear when it goes into an audio enhancer.
So try to stay away from all jobs that involve a microphone.
But if you wanna get experience (which I'm sure you DO),
You're leaving the country anyways, people won't be able to laugh at you forever.

Don't forget to be grateful and thank everyone for the nice things they've done for you.
To turn you into who I am today.
I suppose you've already figured out my true identity.
And you'll probably listen to what I told you.
Like I said, TRUST ME ^_^

Listening to Aint Nobody Can Hold Me Down - Persona 4 The Animation OST

Back to the Past,
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Thursday, December 27, 2012


Oh yes !
Finally. Time to update my poor, neglected blog.
And also another attempt to entertain you guys
(my dearly beloved readers/fanboys/girls) !

Before I continue typing endless on my keyboard.
Let me just be the last person (this year) to wish you :
Happy/Merry (belated) KWISTMAS.

Did you have a great one ?
I bet you did !
What ? You spent the whole day at home doing nothing on your laptop ?
Why ?
You have friggin' Internet.
And I don't.

It's making my Aussie experience terrible.
I'm currently leeching off a tiny little Vodafone broadband.
3gb for $30 (sorry, I still don't know the proper symbol for Australian dollars =P )
That's almost RM100 !
You go on Youtube. Watch a video.
BAM ! You're almost out of it.

So I suppose you might wanna hear how my life here has been, right ?
Ok, so when we arrived at our apartment at 1am.
MY ROOM WAS EMPTY (save for a bed. lol )
No internet. No food (does Maggi and Coke count ?). No INTERNET !?
Oh and no furniture.
We had to rent a cheap car and drive all the way to
IKEA to get some "cheap" DIY furniture.

And since this is the first time I have actually MOVED (and am old enough),
mom let me choose the furniture I wanted for my room.
Not a lot of choices though.
But by the end of the week, my room had:

  • Bed (White) with LARGE drawers underneath it.
  • Bedside table (White)
  • Squarish rack (White)
  • Drawer (White)
As you can see, the choices were extremely limited.
Because my room was pretty small.
Well, that's what people usually say but I think it's plenty of space.
I like small rooms/houses.
Makes you feel all cozy and you don't have to waste so much time sweeping/mopping.

Right now, I'm chillin' at the library. Exploiting the free WiFi offer as much as I can. I know I'm evil but come
on. I'm a poor boy in a foreign land with no access to anywhere else.
Gimme a break !

So far, everything is going according to plan.
Living fine over here.
But I haven't registered for the school that I'm going to attend yet.
For the first time in my life,

I had to spend nights Google Mapping, browsing, finding sources, visiting the bus station, stealing brochures and maps just to find out how to get there (and I'm not even sure if it's the most EFFICIENT way to get there).
I'll have to take a bus outside my apartment to the central bus station.
Take ANOTHER bus to a stop near my school.
Followed by the classical "walk to school by foot".

And speaking of school, I've already met the counselor.
And decided on the subjects that I'll be taking.
This was what I had in mind :
  1. English as an Additional Language (because it's compulsory)
  2. Maths 2C/D (because it's the easiest one for entry to uni)
  3. Biology (because memorizing your brains out is easier)
  4. Applied Information Technology (because I always wanted a computer course)
  5. Chinese (don't freak out. the past year questions are a joke. EVEN FOR ME !)
During the consultation, he asked me what I wanted to study in uni.
So I told him I'm thinking of either IT or Environmental Science.
With Computer Science being my third,
'cuz it's Freakin' HARD and my Maths is just terrible.
After proper "consultation", this is what I got :

    1 . English as an Additional Language (because it's still compulsory)
    2 . Maths 3A/B
    He tried to talk me into taking Maths SPECIALIST.
    I tried to decline because my Maths is terrible.
    He said it looked pretty fine to him.
    *points at SPM Maths A*
    *Me laughing inside*
    I told him to look at my Add Maths C+
    "Still pretty good"
    Oh God Noooo !
    But I managed dissuade him by telling him how
    low standard Malaysian Maths is.
    He finally listened.
    Thank You ! =D
        3. Chemistry (because Chemistry is ALWAYS more useful in the science field...)
        4. Applied Information Technology (Ohhh finally...a subject which he didn't harp about)
        5. Computer Science

    So with no prior knowledge in Computer Science,
    he still encouraged me to take this subject.
    He insisted I didn't need to know anything to take it.
    Oh and Computer Science careers pay better.
    Of course I know that.
    'Cuz it's so HARD.
    I hope this doesn't turn out like Maths T this year.

    Oh and what happened to Chinese ?
    Well, he said no one was taking it.
    So the class probably wouldn't run.
    I was devastated.
    I'm not sure about the student population in that school,
    I mean it's an international school.
    Lots of Singaporeans and what not.
    And the difficulty for the subject is a joke.
    Curse my fate and my naive attempt to learn.
    Next time you see me, 
    I'll probably be a BANANA....

    And that's my "set list" for next year.
    I hope I can do good in them.
    Especially the subjects which I've never taken before.
    Of course, if you told me to take these following subjects :
    • English
    • Maths
    • Biology
    • Physics
    • Chemistry
    I would kill myself instantly in that counselor's office.
    Oh and school only starts in February so I'm pretty free.
     I AM considering working at McDonald's in the mean time.
    Whoopie ! My first job ever !
    Now all that's missing are my referees.
    Anyone wanna volunteer ?
    No friends allowed !

    That's all for this update.
    I'll write EVEN MOAR....when my broadband arrives.
    Until then, I guess it's "repeated trips to the library" for me.

    And to all those people back home :

    Ciao ! Seeya REAL SOON !

    Listening to Nothing

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    Thursday, December 6, 2012


    Take a moment. Slow down. Relax...

    Well it's not like I've been busy packing.
    After all, there isn't much stuff to bring...
    Well, there are lots of stuff that I'd bring with me.
    Mostly memorable things that contained incalculable sentimental value (to me,of course...)
    But it's just too many.
    Mom told me to only bring the "essentials".
    The things that I'm not going to use on a daily basis ?

    Leave them.
    Leave them here.
    In my old home.
    Sitting there waiting for me to come home.
    Gathering layers of dust.
    Watching the sun rise and set through my window.
    Devoid of any life.

    I really have A LOT of "junk" that I can't bring myself to throw away.
    They're useless, outdated, and more importantly, making my room a mess.
    Yet, each one of them holds the memory of one of 6603 days that I've lived.
    We all know we can't go back in time to relive the past.
    That's why I collect these "junk", they're my only remembrance.
    The only proof I have for my past.
    Isn't that why people like to take pictures ?
    Because they know they can't go back;
    That's why they try to capture the moment with a camera ?

    Now I'm busy debating what I should bring with me.
    And what I should leave behind.
    I like to think that all my things are somehow alive.
    They have feelings too.
    And it hurts to feel abandoned.
    Abandoned and alone.
    So I talk to them, to keep them from feeling lonely.
    So I keep them safe, so no one will hurt them.
    So I never let them go, because they are what defines my past.
    My memories, and my life.
    Bit by bit.

    My old blanket was old.
    Holes made up 70% of it's whole body.
    Yet I couldn't bring myself to get a new one.
    It was scary to fall asleep back then,
    knowing that when you're unconscious,
    you'll move around, sometimes even aggresively.
    You're actions will fill what you love with even more holes...
    In the end, mom got rid of it without me knowing.

    Mom got a birthday gift from grandma.
    It was huge pink stuffed dog.
    After so many years, it's stuffing had all escaped that pink cocoon.
    Now it sleeps in my room.
    It's body devoid of any "flesh".
    And soon I'll be leaving that here too.
    In my empty room.

    Feeling attached to something kinda sucks.
    Knowing that it's hard to let it go.
    The same can be said for friends.
    You think you're close with them.
    But without any interactions, how long do you think it'll take.
    Before the ice builds back up again.
    The next time two friends meet, might not be the same as how two friends met.
    Treasure it all while you still can.

    Listening to Tegami - Angela Aki

    Packing with nostalgia,

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